Before reading the rest of this entry, please try my poll as it relates somewhat to the blog:
Social bookmarking is defined as:
Social bookmarking is a method for Internet users to store, organize, search, and manage bookmarks of web pages on the Internet with the help of metadata.
taken from Wikipedia
The idea of Social bookmarking is to share plugworthy material with the public whether is it links to pages, links to pictures, links to music and more. Social bookmarking sites like Digg, and StumbleUpon allow internet users to receive the traffic they need by submitting their sites to the proper categories related to their post and seek out others with similar interests.
Benefits of social bookmarking:
- More traffic
- More links directing to the site/ post/ page
- Ability to find out more on same subject
- Ability to actively bookmark other websites you enjoy
In using social bookmarking, it is somewhat like a super link exchange that you can automatically add to. Think about it, the more you bookmark a link, the easier it can be found.
However, do not abuse the system and submit a link one too many times. For your friends, you would be able to use it as a way to share your favorite sites. You blog, then bookmark the post, and the site allows others to be able to find your entry. You can bookmark other sites, which is great!
I recommend that if you bookmark the site, then do not forget to tell the blogger that you did and why you did it. It is always nice to know a reader’s feedback on anything within their site! Try it! There are tools for blog content management systems like WordPress and even regular code (whether javascript or php) you can place on your site to allow people to bookmark your content. 🙂
Do you use social bookmark sites? What sites are your favorite?
Usually when I find an enjoyable post or blog, I just subscribe to the feed (which only became a habit recently too). Maybe one day I’ll start digging and stumbling, but for now, I’ll pass.
Mimi’s last blog post..Pick Your Classes Wisely
Subscribing to feeds are okay, but only do so much. The ability of rss is to be able to get live updates in your browser of those you bookmarked.
When you bookmark a site even your own, you are increasing your chance of exposure for your site or the site you visited. Inreturn, you are sharing those with others and yourself. With RSS, you are only sharing it with yourself.
It is also a great reference say in case you forgot to backup your computer and you bookmarked those sites online. 🙂
I’ve just never had much of an interest in social bookmarking sites. I suppose they can be useful, but I don’t use them. In fact, there are a lot of things that I don’t use that most people do: MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and sadly even WordPress! I’ll stick to my good ol’ FanUpdate script! 😀
FanUpdate is not really a secure enough script. It is convenient though. It is not about being a trend. Social Bookmarking has been around for a while. It is able trying to get the traffic. I started a Facebook account and know I will not use it much. I have a MySpace account and that is also rarely used except for testing new layouts I have made.
It is more about trying to get the linkage and exposure to your site if you wish for people to read. Despair is not doing it, plugsites are not, and those are trends. Social bookmarking is something that ties in with SEO and will matter when it comes to searching for your site.
However, it is also a choice. I did not think much of it 2 years ago and implemented it last year.
I’ve known about the social bookmarking for awhile. It’s a great tool for bloggers. I use it mostly for my favorites, but I’ve also added some links. Most of them were links that people requested to stumble or digg.
Didn’t know what it is. Not really sure I understand it. Time for this old dog to do some research, I gather…
John’s last blog post..Trust
Hey Nile,
I like Bizsugar to be honest with you. The quality of traffic you seem to get from Stumble doesn’t seem worth it. Unless you just have a video or picture gallery site. Every once in awhile I use Digg to submit a post I have written that I think is extra good.
But, you have to interact with people and vote on their stuff too. I think a lot of people don’t do this. I think that if you are going to use social bookmarking focus on 4-5 sites and don’t try this automated crap where you submit to 250+ sites in a matter of 2 min.
I got the huge amount of traffic from stumbleupon but it is not valuable. As they are not converting to the loyal readers.
I do bookmarking but usually it intends only for my site. Social bookmarks are great especially if you want your site to get index faster. But I usually do it manually and I don’t over do it.
Yes social networks are good for indexing your site in Search engines as the algo is changed now. So bookmarking is the good option.
social book marking sites is the most important because without this SEO not completed and we get it a lot of traffic using social sites…!!!
I’m using bookmarking sites almost everyday but I only use it to my site.
Yes using the sites are good option for your blog. You should use as much as you can for getting exposure.
At one time I put a lot of effort into Delicious, then… I don’t know. It wasn’t the easiest thing to use and it fell by the wayside. I started using Digg about 2-3 years ago – interacting and bkmking– but it kept changing and I couldn’t keep up trying to figure it out. It was hard to determine whether a few Diggs really made much difference. Stumble is easy. But like Garen wrote, not sure whether just a few Stumbles will do a whole lot of good. It would be interesting to see which are used most by bloggers today (as opposed to mainly news-story marking like at Digg).
Well, I always use the social bookmarking feature to deploy existing articles my blog. I use social bookmarking since seemingly a lot of changes on traffic to my blog.
and I also always bookmark my favorite websites, one of which is a website that always gives interesting info. Thanks.
other than seo purposes i don’t think it is very practical to use stumbleupon or digg. everybody has twitter right now and do their sharings on that platform. it is like a fashion unfortunately and i personally think that it is better to keep things organized and use few of social bookmarking as possible.
Hi Niles,
I always use social bookmarking when I find an interesting post, or video. I’ve always liked Digg and Stumble Upon. I know there has been several changes, but I go with the flow. If any of these sites are used with consistency and volume, there are definitely SEO benefits.
I would love to see an article with a chronological ranking of the most popular social bookmarking sites. I’ve used many others and some are not worth the effort. I don’t consider social bookmarking having the same function as Twitter or the other social media platforms.
Raena Lynn
Awesome!!!!!!!!!! Informative and interesting Clean description about social bookmarking and easy to understand.After reading this am interested in bookmarking. I had never heard about Digg and Stumbleupon. i need your valuable tips
Nice topic Niles
Great points.It is very informative. I do social bookmarking.You are right bookmarking icreases the quality of traffic . for me Digg is better.clean narration.Interesting. Thank you
hey nice article, social networking sites are extremely important after all everyone has do make great SEO.
Yes for entertainment sites as you own it;s really very important. You should use it Alka.
I do use bookmarking but not really any social bookmarking system. I rather have them in my “read-later” box 🙂
I voted incorrectly because I didn’t realize that Digg and Stumbleupon are social bookmarking sites. I use them all the time and I love the simplicity of it. I also pin many blogs onto Pinterest – but they need one good image for that.
Some time ago I had a bookmark fever if I may say so. it was pretty cool but with time I dropped this. I guess I have to start all over again. But thanks that reminded about it))
I am a fan of social bookmarking and it does work. I use StumbleUpon and Reddit mainly. Not sure what is happening with Digg, it used to be OK but nowadays when I submit a link, all it says thank you for your link and nothing happens.
Digg used to be the social bookmark site to use. I use StumbleUpon, Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Occasionally I will use Digg, but they really do not give much link juice love like they use to.
I wasn’t surprised with the poll results. People are figuring importance of social bookmarking. It can be very powerful tool.
i always using social bookmarking. my blog was helped by social bookmarking. it is importance for a new blog.
I use social bookmarketing all of the time. I started using a combination of Onlywire and Tribe Pro. while it costs some money, I think it is well worth the investment. thanks for posting this article!!!
This is really a damn helpful info… Many thanks for sharing.
I have read several good stuff here…keep it up
Hi Niles,
yes, bookmarking is a great way of sharing content.
Your suggestion to let the blogger know that you bookmarked their post makes sense to me.
Personally, I always make sure I add the Twitter ID if it is not automatically added, even if it means I have to hunt for it.
And I add the their name with the @ on Google+ and Facebook so it give them the credit for their post.
Thank you for sharing this useful information!
Hey Niles
I agree with you and the poll results as well, social bookmaking is truly an effective tool and i love doing it.
I don’t use social bookmarking sites everyday but it’s usually standard for me to bookmark new blog posts, articles I’ve written etc…
I do think it’s a very useful tool and will remain useful. Essentially you’re just sharing content.
Without no doubt we can say that social bookmarking has become a aspect in developing traffics to web page without spending too much time or money. But, following social bookmarking polices are more important otherwise you can be identified as a spammer and it may result in prohibiting you from the websites. Make sure that to follow the appropriate ways in social bookmarking to save your websites from pity.
I primarily use StumbleUpon as my bookmarking community, although I do share to Digg and Twitter frequently as well. I’ve found that I’ve built up a core of respected acquaintances at StumbleUpon. Additionally, I love the content I find there. But yes, we don’t always want to only be sharing our own stuff there and elsewhere.
I do use social bookmarking but not that often. Only when I find something really cool. If you post great third party stuff people are more likely to visit your updates.
Ah. Social bookmarking! It is great but most of social bookmarking are ruled by some rude people who don’t want to promote others. I have tried reddit and digg but it didn’t worked well so i left. Hope it work for other people. Good luck with that.
Social bookmarking is always the best thing to index our website in search engine.
I’ve known about the social bookmarking for awhile. It’s a great tool for bloggers. I use it mostly for my favorites, but I’ve also added some links. Most of them were links that people requested to stumble or digg.
the only social bookmark i use is
it’ easy just put a link then pick a categories and you are done
Nice post, I occasionally use bookmarking sites. I use only selected ones to post links. Traffic depends upon popularity and votes.
Hell Nile..
Ya here I am totally agree with you,Social bookmarking sites are very effective way to get more traffic.I rarely used them but I will gonna use these social bookmaking sites soon.Thanks for nice sharing.
Nile it is absolutely right that social bookmarking sites are very important and effective to get good figure of traffic and fast indexing but the most important thing in social bookmarking site is that we should build our reputation on these social bookmarking sites. We should build our community with the help of following and to get followers. In this scenario your all shared points are very helpful to understand the importance of social bookmarking.
Hello Nile, Social bookmarking is like a daily activities to me ! Reddit,Stuble Upon,Digg are my most favorites social bookmarking sites.
Hello nile, i have increased my page authority with social bookmarking. Thanx for this awesome post