For most, hosting is really a big deal. It is a big deal for me. When you pay to have your own domain and web space, you expect to have your money’s worth. I found that Web Hosting Geeks allows you to review your web host and let’s you see what others are saying about hosting companies.
Why is it important to review your webhost? Well, for one if they are giving decent services, the reviews work like ‘word of mouth.’ These reviews could be something that may entice others to purchase the same services. If your web host was under par, well… it can alert potential clients to beware when making transactions with a particular web host. Also, these reviews can serve as a learning experience with the web host.
For me, I rely heavily on sites like Web Hosting Geeks because I get a lot of people asking me for recommendations for their hosting needs. There are hundreds of web host and many of them offer similar services, but there are a few differences. Some offer great add-ons, some are geared toward hosting sites powered by content management systems, and some offer great cloud solutions. Aside from the software and hardware, I pay attention to hearing if a particular web host is giving great customer service.
Web Hosting Geeks also offers an informative blog to educate their users on all sorts of subjects concerning hosting, from finding the right host, and even news about webhost companies.
I really liked the article SSL For Your E-commerce Site a it not only explains what SSL is, but also how to purchase a SSL certificate, install and design for SSL. Even if you are not new to the hosting scene, this is a wonderful resource to share with your friends.
Have you submitted a review about your web host before? If not, would you consider reviewing them on Web Hosting Geeks? If you have, what other web host review sites do you recommend submitting reviews?
What a great idea! I had a lot of trouble with my old web hosts whereas my current one is wonderful… And others should know that so they don’t have to make the same mistake 🙂