PHPurl is a simple script that allows users to make a shorter url. This is great when you have a long url (ex: and you want to make it shorter for SMS or other things that have a limit on how many characters you can type (ex: Twitter). There are a few places online that do this like tinyURL, but I thought I might release this so anyone who has a very short domain can use it for their own or even start their own site.
PHP4 and above
Read Me file included in zip file.
I’m not currently providing support because of the notation below-
Note: I was informed that there may be a security issue currently with this script. However, they did not specify where the issue is at. At this moment, I cannot allot enough time to update because of current work and a terminally ill family member. If you are aware of this and would like to team up to plug the security hole, please contact me.
Download (zip file): [download#85]
Like my script? I am not giving support for this script.