National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo is around once again. This is the third year I have participated. Every November thousands of people take up a challenge to write a 50,000 word novel before the end of the month. Insane? Cool?
I am really excited about it and although I missed the first meetup of my area, I can say that there are regional NaNoWriMo meetups, so if you like to meet people who are writing fiends, then it is definitely something to join and participate in. There is no shame if you cannot meet the challenge, but it is fun to at least try. Last year I beat the quota, and this year I am sure I can do the same this year.
NaNoWriMo might be a time you could write a tutorial book, something about social networking, or even blogging, or just write for fun. If you are already a member of NaNoWriMo, my ID there is taiyoukai.nile and you can add me as a writing buddy if you want. 🙂
Have you participated in National Novel Writing Month? How did you fare – did you meet the challenge?
RT @blondishnet: New blog post: November Is National Novel Writing Month