I was a bit worried after last week that I’d not be able to find much in the Blogging niche for #MondayMashup. Thankfully I dug a little deeper than usual to find some goodies.
I’ve been considering perusing presentations on places like SlideShare and Speaker Deck to add to the bunch. I’d like to make sure I have as much variety in great content so I can showcase articles that you may also enjoy and learn from. 🙂
As usual, I gotta let the newbies know about #MondayMashup. It’s a weekly roundup of articles carefully selected from the following areas of the blogosphere: blogging, social media, SEO, and web design. I cover these topics on my site. However, this roundup is to feature things I may agree or disagree, or think are interesting enough that you might like to read.
I hope you enjoy my picks for this week. 🙂
#MondayMashup 2015 Volume 7
Ian Cleary touched up on some ideas that I’ve covered in some of my presentations – How to Profit from Your Blog.
Enstine Muki tells us where 3 Job Boards for Bloggers Where Bloggers and Companies Meet.
Alesia Hsiao writes on How to Make a Boring Industry Sexy with Content Marketing. Personally, I like to try to make my articles funny if it helps get the point across.
Social Media
Wade Harman shows us How to Breathe New Life To Your Pinterest Marketing. If you’re trying to figure out Pinterest, some of these tips may help a lot.
Mari Smith teaches us 15 Creative Ways To Optimize Your Facebook Ads Using Custom Audiences.
Kim Garst gives us 7 Ways To Have More Relevant One-on-One Conversations on Social Media. This may be helpful for those still not understanding how to engage with others on social networks.
Ana Hoffman shares with us some tips and even gives some good examples in how to make friends in high places in your niche – Influencer Marketing: 11 Memorable Ways To Gain An Influencer’s Attention.
Donna Merrill shows us How To Make YouTube Cards. Haven’t made any, or don’t know how, this may help. 🙂
Kelsey Jones shares a cool infographic that may be handy for email marketing – How to Optimize Your Welcome Emails [INFOGRAPHIC].
Will Scott brings up a good point to think about in this mobilegeddon world – Mobile-Friendly Isn’t Enough For Local Businesses: 3 Pitfalls To Avoid, From A Recent #LocalU Hangout
Diane Pease gives us The 5 Biggest Don’ts of Paid Search. Are you guilty of doing some of them?
Rand Fishkin explains how Google may using some data – How Google May Use Searcher, Usage, & Clickstream Behavior to Impact Rankings – Whiteboard Friday.
Web Design
Thoriq Firdaus talks about LESS and making gradients – Making Gradients Easier with LESS Mixins.
James Richman interviews Philip Morgan about How to Position Yourself to Get More Web Design Clients.
Steven Bradley talks about Design Principles: Compositional Balance, Symmetry And Asymmetry.
Did you enjoy any of these, or bookmark any for a later read?
So glad you dug deep this week. These are some great articles and I love your Monday Mashups!
Hey Nile! Thanks for the nice article collection. Would you be open to have more categories in the future like affiliate marketing and traffic?
Awesome collection of articles. It would take about a week or so to read each of them. You have done a nice work.
Hi Nile,
I’m excited to be on your blog today and thanks for the shout out. I’m glad Ileane gave me that opportunity to post on her blog.
I see a lot of juicy posts you put together here. I’m checking some of them out
Hope you have a wonderful day Nile