Is blogging dead? No. Then you’ve probably swooped in to wonder why I’d asked such a crazy question? You may even be asking yourself, “Did I really ask that?” Yes, I did. No, I’m not asking your opinion if blogging is dead.
It’s more like others seem to be asking it. I’ve found countless posts online with this subject. I’ve had readers who were newbie bloggers send me links to some of the articles out there that were titled with “Is blogging Dead” or “Is Blogging Dying”. They actually were were actually concerned.
Honestly, my first reaction was to laugh, but it dawned on me, that just because I knew better, didn’t mean someone who just started blogging got it. In fact, some of the people hadn’t even read some of the articles.
One of the articles that set off a few of my regular reader’s was Ramsay Taplin’s article Is Blogging Finally Dead? They hadn’t even read the article. They just read the title and panicked. It happens. I’m sure some of us are guilty of “reading the back cover of a book”, or in this case, just reading the title and description of the article on someone’s social network wall. Oops!
If you do a search on Google for the term ‘define blog’, you get:
Blog – a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.
So, the cool thing is that a lot of blogs are definitely conversational and informal even when there are sources cited. However, the the blogosphere over the years, has gone from focusing on general terms, to more specific terms, which is also mentioned in Ramsay’s article.
For each keyword or topic out there, there’s probably between a couple hundred or thousands of articles. I can see why bloggers would ask such a question, but there always seems to be the one thing that people forget.
The reader doesn’t have time to read a couple hundred articles to get the point, or sometimes, even a couple sites. Readers are usually hitting the first page of the search results and ignoring the rest. It seems daunting, and some bloggers abandoned their niche after a time because they’ve hit that “bloggers block” wall, or change their niche, or widen their niche, especially if it’s a super narrow focus.
Seems discouraging, huh? Well, don’t let your blog die out. There’s a lot of things you can do to get content going again.
- You can tweak older content and even link to newer content.
- You can re-purpose that content into other things like audio, video, and images to reach the people that connect better with those mediums.
- You can re-share older content on social networks to drive in engagement again.
- You can write newer related content and link back to older content.
- You can re-visit the idea of broadening your focus (just a smidge) to include terms that are still related, but may enhance the core goal of your website.
- You can bring in a guest writer from time to time who may be able to provide a fresh voice to your website.
- You can make an ebook or book out of your blog, and sell your ebook or book.
These are just some of the things you can do to not get stuck with the mentality that into some of the articles asking if blogging is dead.
Is Blogging Dead?
As for the people writing articles about “is blogging dead” or “is blogging dying”, go ahead and keep writing that title bait. Just remember to get to the answer sooner, and then explain. And doubly remember that as long as people are creating content in an informal or conversational style, blogging is going to continue on. Let’s set that straight and stop scaring newbie bloggers. 😉
I agree. I think some people read the hype then try their hands at blogging and instead of understanding the hype is silly they leap to the conclusion that since they don’t immediately have thousands of readers and tons of money pouring in blogging must be dead. When in fact the silly get rich quick blogging stuff just is lame.
To some extent people might also get the idea blogging is dead when blogs they like stop being updated. This is sad, but it is natural that some people that take up blogging decide the effort isn’t worth it to them and stop (or nearly stop).
Blogging is far from dead, we all just need to incorporate social media more and to make it appealing. If you can catch someone’s eye on social media, you can drive them to your blog. I think incorporating more video is key!
I agree with what you wrote, Nile.
But, I can see where these people (that say that blogging is dead) are coming from. If you look at the stats, people are generally reading less nowadays. The average attention span has substantially decreased over the past decade but recently, in my opinion, this decline has been particularly stronger with the advent of apps like Snapchat, Vine and the adaptation that followed by major social media networks like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter which relocated the spotlight upon short and segmented content as opposed to on in-depth and long content, as it previously was. It suffices to look at major news publication sites to notice that most of the articles are short surges of information, mostly what is being known as listicles, and there is not as many long articles anymore.
Of course, there still are many blogs who do write long and rich articles (and one of them is you!), but still, there is also increasingly many people who choose to not read.
Not at all, Blogging still works and running in market but content of blog should be informative so this could help you in bring more audience and traffic on website.
Rama Krishna
Blogging is definitely not dead but it does take allot of hard work to make it in the blogging world. You can start a new blog and expect 100’s of vies in the first few weeks. It takes moths to get a decent online presence.
Blogging is not going anywhere, just the way we blog can change. Blog article gives in-depth detail on topic or right solution of problem because of that search engine loves blog.
I just want to say keep blogging.
The blog is dead! (Long live the blog) I think this question has been around almost as long as blogging has – and I mostly hear from people who don’t blog, that blogging is a waste of time, but I’m no expert (my blog just past 50,000 visitors this week), but I interviewed one of the original bloggers and founders of WordCamp Miami a year and a half ago.
You should listen to what Rick says. He says “Don’t blog!”, unless…
blogging is very much alive but yes finding a good blog to read and enjoy is hard. the quantity has increased but quality has decreased. like yours is a good blog. i enjoy reading but many blogs ive seens are not genuine … its repeated information with little or not new information. and worst part is most of the blogs are only out there to make quick money …. doesn’t work like that.
Blogging is not dead at all. it’s just that in today’s scenario you have to have shareable content and should manage blog. If you have a well-established blog then you must again see how you can improve to make it o the top of the game and if you are a newbie then you should always have enthusiasm or passion to make your blog visible in the blogosphere.
Way to go Nile!
And I can certainly appreciate how
that type of title bait could definitely cause some newbie
bloggers blood pressure to rise!LOL!
After all, there just getting started, and suddenly without warning, they may
be on the verge of losing their chosen livelihood!LOL!
As usual, you did an awesome job of applying some good old common sense!Thanks!
Thanks for sharing this post and raising this question. I think people have stopped taking blogging seriously. Really hard to find great blogging sites like yours.
Wow !!
That was one of the most well-crafted Title for a Post I have seen in Recent Times. And it certainly works quite nicely as a Title Bait especially for a Newbie.
Now personally being a Newbie I was quite in a hurry to check out inner content with such a surprising Title. And I am quite happy that Blogging is not dead and hope it will not be for the coming years.
When Facebook started to become popular, there were so many doomsayer articles about blogging being dead. How wrong they were. Social media sites became an extra tool for existing bloggers and a starting ground for those who got used to posting content online.
Blogging has changed but is still alive and well and living on servers all over the world. What hasn’t changed is that compelling titles work 🙂
No, Blogging still works and running in Internet. Most of the people sharing their thoughts through blog. Even me also running a blog very successfully.
Blogging is not dead and I don’t think it will be as long as the talented bloggers are around; what has happened is, that people who have misused this platform, google has ordained some of the rules for the right and unique content gets noticed and highlighted but trash gets trashed .
Hi Nile,
Wonderful write-up. You are right – The blogging is not dead. There is a long way for blogging. All we need to de is – continue sharing our ideas and experiences that can help our readers in any way.
No, it is not. In fact blogging had never been more alive as it is today.
I don’t really think blogging will be dead or going anywhere. Most of us still write more articles, posting more articles and earning more money.
Maybe, the way we make money will change, but it still based on a blog / website to make money.
Blogging can never be dead in my opinion. There will be always be a horde of topics to write on, owing to our evolutionary society.
I agree with you Samanta. If you have a good article does not have to worry for a traffic.
Wow – that was impressive and encouraging. Thanks for sharing your authoritative opinion, practical hints. I will definitely follow your updates
Blogging cannot die but the spammers can be and obviously this is the reason why this topic rose around.
As someone that is just starting to learn about blogging and recently launched my own blog I hope it’s not dead just yet. I am enjoying writing and hopefully will get better as time goes on.
Hi Nile, I think that at the moment, the world of blogging can seem quite intimidating to those of us who are at the beginning of our journey. Make no mistake, I’ve been blogging for over ten years now, on various platforms, but have only been making an effort to create high quality, streamlined content for the last couple of years. With so many commercially successful, highly polished blogs on offer, it is easy to believe that the medium is saturated. I’ve definitely been downhearted about it at times.
I have to agree I don’t read alot of blogs. (I just started one) but I do like to publish news and give/discus my opinion about it. As long it is news and not some marketingn pitch,
I still believe small businesses should have a blog, because it will help their website with SEO! 🙂 And it shows that they are an authority in their niche.
No way blogging is dead. It’s increasing day by day as lot of new people are learning how to create blogs. Thousands of blogs are being created every day. Even I write a lot and keep searching and updating my blogs.
who says?? well i think you should have good blogging tricks then you can earn superb in this field.
I think it really depends on the type of content that is being produced. If you produce highly actionable and meaty “how to” posts, I dont think they will become outdated.
I find it off-putting when I come across a blog and see that It has like 200 pages worth of posts – content overload!
I don’t think blogging will ever die out – just like books will never die out!
No.. blogging still works. I think nowadays the number of bloggers increased.
Is Blogging Dead? Is Blogging Dead! if people write just for money.
I agree with this… if you’re writing just for money, eventually you either sell out, and people will see it for what it is.
Blogging is never end. Blog is very important to share our views. Blog is as like a website here you update daily post articles, views. You discuss here on different topics.
No. It’s not dead… I personally know 10+ people that enjoy writing new articles even every day! 🙂
i belive Blogging can never be dead it is very important many people search any topics in google and google send visitor in blog site
In my opinion blogging is not dead at all. You just need a right niche to write on. The most important that matters today is unique and great content. It has changed a lot, now people are more focused toward writing content for users rather than just for google.
Love your Ideal , i dont Thing Blogging is death
Not at all, Blogging still works and running
Blogging is not dead. It is still a viable form of communication. New blogs are starting daily and readership is steady. Blogging allows people to share their passions.
No Blogging can be never dead & it is also not going anywhere Because blogging is the only way which made the internet so informative. The only thing is going to change the way of blogging!! Nowadays articles are becoming more richer and richer with in-depth details wit the evolution of Big G.
I don’t think blogging will ever be dead as long as people like to read content online. Blogging is just a great way to easily get a message out to the audience you have chosen to interact with. Blogging platforms and design will certainly change, and have already, but the idea behind writing and sharing good content will be here to stay. 🙂
Blogging can be never ends. But now in days many peoples use blogging just for profit or making money.
I think blogging is changing, but it’s certainly not dying there are so many great new blogs popping up that have so much potential, I think the main problem is people do give up too easily. If I’d given up back in 2008 when I started, then I wouldn’t have got to the point I am now.
Hi Nile Flore,
The question “is Blogging Dead?”, there are answers to this questions but i strongly believe it’s depends on it’s location.
For example, in Nigeria, blogging has become a do or die affair whereby upcoming bloggers do not take their time to right fresh or rewrite articles rather they go by copy and pasting articles into their new blogs.
For the Indians, wow, I love their writing spirit because they believe so much in information marketing where by the Indians are my role model in information marketing (blogging)
Thank you
Hype and inexperience drive titles like “Is Blogging Dead”, except, of course, in the case of your title, as your point was to expose this. I think that blogging will only expand as time goes on because internet access keeps growing and the more access, the more people will have the ability to get online and start to express themselves in a meaningful way. Think of developing countries over the next 100 years. They may be blogging in the future as their society and infrastructure matures. Just a thought.
Blogging will be alive forever because it is an great way to share knowledge and earn decent amount for helping peoples. Thanks for sharing the article.
Blogging can never dead, because it is the best way to share knowledge and make decent income from home by helping peoples. The article is written great, good work.
The fact is that blogging is not dead. Thanks for the post
Is Blogging Dead?
Really not! Like a email marketing…
Both are very alive.
I’m both a blogger and a vlogger, so I can see where some beginning bloggers can get super discouraged. Sometimes I enjoy my blog and feel like it’s well worth it to get the extra eyeballs. Sometimes I consider it a chore (particularly when I’m feeling overwhelmed and I have to create yet more content). Sometimes it’s just a source of frustration because getting people to read my blog is so. much. more. difficult than getting them to watch my videos.
Blogging isn’t dead, but it’s reached the point of competition where you have to be a truly outstanding blogger – exceptional on several different levels – to get any attention.
Yes blogging is dead if blogger used duplicate content, blogging is live if blogger used unique content.. :p
LOL… that’s for certain
He he, many weird people say such things ‘seo is dead’, ‘blogging is dead’, ‘directories are dead’ and so on.. In fact, their ‘creativity’ is the only ‘dead’ thing.
Thanks for this post answering it. Be inspiring !!
Firstly i appreciate you to choose this attractive title.I think social networking sites negatively impacted to blog writing.
I love blogging.
Blogging is alive and well. It’s been working for a long time and continues to do so.
Hello Nile
Great post ! You definitely caught my attention with this headline. But to answer your question blogging is alive and well. According to Blogher blogging is as popular as ever. I think we can use more video and slideshare to keep it fresh and exciting. Again thanks for this share it really made me give some serious thought to the question.