I find that people forget that they are the ones that control their success. Lately, I have seen quite a few people that blog, social media consult, or have some business online that they are not happy with. Often, they blame it on one thing or another.
However, you control your success. If you decide to quite your day job and take up blogging, and expect an immediate return on investment…. you are delusional. You chose to do it. Failure definitely happens, but your reaction and action is key to whether you have the gumption to succeed.
You cannot expect things to happen for you. That is a gamble that could cost you money, and maybe your reputation. Those who succeed take an active role in their path to success. They are learning, and making the decisions to achieve each goal.
So I ask you to do away with whining, the blame game, and excuses, and to take control of your success. Do not let others plan your path to success even if they are good at what they do. Your path may not be the exact one they can perfectly construct. Instead, get involved by asking questions and being up front about what you want. And… if you do not… go back to the drawing board or you could find failure sooner than you think.
I put together a short graphic meme to illustrate my point.
Nice message. I like that fact that we are born to succeed. In fact, what’s happening is that, we are fed with fear and negativity from the day we are born that accumulates to such an extent that we are unable to do what we are capable off. Like the message.
Hi Shalu! We are really not born to succeed. We are born with the potential to succeed depending on our choices. Thank you for stopping by! *hugs*
I’ve rededicated my life to finding success and thanks to your post, I now feel a lot stronger. Thank you and I also enjoyed reading a lot of your entries.
You can’t succeed if you don’t try! and you have to fail in order to learn from your mistakes!
I think people could learn a lot from this post, some people think you create your own luck, it’s the same with success!
We need to be hard working and keep realistic views. You are not going to be a success overnight but if you use good strategy and work hard you very well might be a huge success.
Hi Tanya! You are correct. Success does not happen that quickly, and it is hard work… far from being glamorous as some people believe the road to success may be in some niches.
Hi i would like to say success in not impossible if do the hard work.Its in your way.Some people do nothing and want to get success in any way but that is not possible to get without any struggle.
this is very nice graphic and these lines are very motivate and thanks for sharing..
I immediately picked up on the blame game because I was coaching a client yesterday on it. It was difficult at first helping her to see how she has been unknowingly sabotaging herself and accepting the undesirable role of a victim. When she blamed others, she was passing responsibility for her life on to others.
Blaming someone else feeds our ego and gives us the righteous feeling that we are okay and it is the other person who screwed up our life. Unfortunately, this thinking keeps us as victim and powerless to make any positive changes. Blaming others might feed our ego in the beginning, but it has dangerous side affects.
So true Nile. We all have the potential to succeed but most don’t have the perseverance to stick with it.
Hey Nile,
Yep, right on sites and blogs take sometimes years before they start generating any good income. A lot of people get real motivated write a ton and don’t see results. Don’t get any traffic or quit. I say ok you made 15 dollars a month lets get that number up a little. It’s a real job and there is no way to do it longterm without actually working at it. My mentality when I first started 4 years ago was make $1 this month. Then next month at least $2. Overtime it has greatly increased, but it was tough in the beginning!
Excellent tips .. got a lots of tips here! keep posting great tips often.. Good job!
Thanks for share this post.
Really inspirational words, In every new field you generally see failure at start but failure only help you to correct all your mistakes and convert it to success in your next attempt.
Thank you for this inspirational post Nile. I am always looking for ways to help keep me on track to achieve success, this has done wonders for my confidence level 🙂
Nile, tahnks for reminding us that we were born to succeed… love it:-)
“So I ask you to do away with whining, the blame game, and excuses, and to take control of your success” THAT is PERFECT for where I stand now… I AM A SUCCESS.
tahnks so much for all yoru encouragement and hope you are on top of it for yoru own success..
Im so glad you said this. I don’t know how many people i know who think that “if this person just showed me this or gave me that ill be good”. It doesn’t work that way, go out and get it. If you are not willing to work hard for your success and happiness then you will never know what it is.
Great message Niles. I saw a LOT of what you’re referring to last month – hopefully it was just year end stress. I must admit I have a real aversion to negativity, so I applaud your message!
I started blogging as an editor for my friends site for money while I was studying. I quickly fell in love with it and when I finished my studies, much to my parents dismay, decided to try and make my own successful blog. I have now been in the game for 2 years and can say if you are looking for an easy way to make money, blogging is not it. If you don’t have the passion and really want to achieve it, you most likely never will. It’s a lot of work and my site 0 which is a year old now – is far from a full time wage.
I definitely agree with this and have done the best I can to try to make mine graphically friendly! 🙂
This is a great reminder to stop the “blame game”. Who has more control over your life and what you do with it than you do? We are not victims. We are in piloting this aircraft. As long as we thing someone else is responsible for our successes or failures, we cannot truly make the changes and achieve the results we want. Thanks for the reminder.
It seems that you are a bit ticked off at people who blame others for their lack of success. Your message is clear and to the point for sure, but I sense something behind your words.
Don’t let those people get to you. You and I can help those who want to be helped and the others we must let go. For a long time I wanted to help every stray cat that came by because I knew I could. Some just don’t want to take the help and that is their path and their choice.
We must all be grateful for the lessons we are willing to learn and… wait for it… ready?… here it is… APPLY!
Happy New Year!
Too True!! We often don’t work at it long enough or put in enough effort to make it happen!! I won’t quit my ‘day’ job yet as haven’t got anywhere near enough going on online to even touch my offline success!! We definitely need to be RESPONSIBLE!!
Lovely post…I left my job two years ago and I couldn´t be more happier now. I don´t earn that much but I feel like I´m responsible for my own decisions, for my life and nobody can control me. Suddenly I can organize my time which was something unachievable when I was employed.
Its all about passion. You just need to discover yours and engage yourself in doing that. Similarly if blogging is your thing, no matter how much failure comes your way you will succeed someday.
Hi Nile,
Great message today. What silly sausages have been thinking they can quite there day jobs just like that. Blogging in particular is a long term . I love the journey and the relationships that come with blogging, but it certainly take a lot of time and there is a lot to learn. Certainly more than just writing words on a page.
Thanks for sharing,
Beth 🙂
I love that quotes and it really inspires me. It is always a matter of yourself how you become success in every thing that you want to achieve.
Very inspiring. I am really born to succeed thanks for reminding me of something I’ve forgotten long time ago.
Blogging in particular is a long term . I love the journey and the relationships that come with blogging, but it certainly take a lot of time and there is a lot to learn. Certainly more than just writing words on a page. thank you.
Hi there,
It is an awesome message and damn true.
We all have the same energy in ourselves, it’s just the way of handling it that determines our success rate.
Keep posting such wonderful & motivational updates.
Hi Nile,
I am glad that I arrived at your blog! Although we are in different industries, I totally agree with you about success.
We all have the potential to succeed (in whatever we choose to focus on). Are we exercising our choose wisely? Or, are we crippled by fear or other excuses?
Life is tot precious to be wasted. Decide what is meaningful and reach for that full potential.
Thanks, Nile 🙂
Viola The Business Mum
Nice point of advice. It’s like don’t let others tell you what you want to happen to your future.
Insightful. This is a very appropriate message for blogging as well, you can”t just churn out a blog, invest no time and/or money in it and expect it to just take off.
Great article. Good point of view and message delivered through this post.
Hey Nile, very inspirational article. A lot of people will get inspired by this article including me. Well said that everyone have to play some gamble. Success never comes to you, you have to go for the success. Thanks for your concern.
Short, simple and straight to the point! I whole-heartedly agree that you need to work for the success that you dream of achieving instead of just waiting to be fed! 🙂
I’m ready to go higher and higher and higher and achieve more and more success. I’m doing everything (legal) I can do to be the best in The world.
In just few paragraphs you have discussed a whole topic and it’s very effective. love your writing skill.
Hi! This is my first time here, and love the site! Lately I’ve been struggling with what path I want to take when it comes to continuing blogging or going in a different direction. I definitely needed to read this. Love it!
Hi Christy! Just go back to what your site focus is and brainstorm whether you need to adjust it. Often, people veer away from their core plan and sometimes forget that they can get back on target. You might have to add or remove some goals in your focus. Good luck!
This is very nice graphic and these lines are very motivate and thanks for sharing.
yes you are the one that responsible for your success
so the one who can make you succeed is yourself
Well said Nile..We are not naturally born to succeed.For succeeding in any task like blogging,we have to do work.hard work.Thanks for this motivational post Nile.
I liked what you said that We are born to succeed and We have potential and the only thing that can stop you is you.
Everything is Tough and we must word hard but we really have potential to do anything.
Hi Nile, nicely said there and I really agree.. All too often I hear people complaining that they’re not getting traffic, or the results they want, or Google isn’t giving them good SERPs but you sum it up perfectly. To have any sort of success online one has to embrace the grind and do so in the most intelligent way they can.