I am kind of ticked. The other day I went to log into my FeedBurner account and was told that I needed to transfer my stuff over to Google’s feedburner. No offense, but for months I knew Google had bought Feedburner. Why does Google have to move a perfectly good service off a domain that has made its own brand. Google could reap more rewards by keeping the brand, not moving anything but servers and just enhancing current services already there. With the move, they are adding Adsense, but taking Site Stats because Google already has what they call a superior service, Google Analytics.
Although the transition seems to be smooth, I am highly disappointed. Truthfully, with merging popular items from a true domain that has been strongly branded, to a subdomain is a regression. Although I will still use the services, because I have no choice and want to support the memory of the original site, I just think that branching this all strictly under the Google brand is ridiculous. Great, Google has money, why the Borg attitude? Why must Google assimilate great products? It is confusing and there are definite studies through the years that have said that in moving sites, you are bound to experience visitor loss and will have to work to build. I hope Google has a big enough team to do the PR on GoogleFeedburner in case there are people who really do not want to move due to things like fail safety.
Do not get me wrong, I like using Google for things like searching and the webmaster tools. I use their services quite often, but I am thinking about how Google. Just in case, for those of you who have not merged now, eventually your account will merge over to the new place by February 28, 2009. So far, the URL has stayed the same. Here is a FAQ of the move from FeedBurner to Google accounts.
This was something I questioned myself. I didn’t see the need to actually move Feedburner over. When Yahoo! takes things over, they don’t move them off their domain names, usually, (Flickr and MyBlogLog being prime examples of this) although occasionally they do (e-groups – groups.yahoo.com instead). It makes one wonder if Google really sees the value in the brand or if they just something else they can gobble up.
Charity’s last blog post..I’ve Been Thinking
Hi Nile, Thanks for dropping by my site..
i just found ur article interesting.. keep up. hope you can cover the usage of adsense in feedburner
Gagaukon’s last blog post..Circle of Friends
All I use google for is searching and googlemaps and I think they should just stick to that.
Jane’s last blog post..Disappointed
Hopefully they will be able to stabilize the subscriber number. I have had unbelievable fluctuations (one day 33, next day 99, a whole weekend at 10, then back to normal by Monday). If they can stabilize that, it will be somewhat worth it.
Kikolani | Poetry, Photography, Blogging’s last blog post..The Return of Sleep Paralysis
I know! I have such issues with Google. Stupid Google. I logged in to Feedburner to find, too, that if I didn’t move my accounts they’d be migrated without my consent anyway. This is very reminiscent of when Yahoo started buying up every web property it thought could make a little cash instead of developing their search capabilities then Google came along and blew them out of the water. Now Google is doing exactly what made Rome fall to begin with. What a waste.
I didn't get any message to change over. Maybe it's because my feeds are already at feedburner.google.com? I will definitely keep an eye on it!
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thanks for the information very useful and very able to understand and I will learn more from this blog