I was surfing by Jem’s site and read about a contest that I thought was great, especially since I am a member of Rev.iew.me. It is a Geek T-Shirt Contest Giveaway. Now, mind you, I have been very guilty of not participating, but I think Rev.iew.me is a great interactive site, especially for those honestly wanting to improve on their site in some way.
The contest is between February 5th and March 5th, 2009 and it is based on the most points you wrack up from reviewing other member websites. If you are a member, I hope to see you there. As I told Jem, I need to get in gear and do reviews as I enjoy visiting sites and the members are great. So far I have had constructive reviews that have not been pushy and were honest opinions. I recommend anyone wanting to improve upon their website to join, especially if you have an open mind. The great thing is that you can get reviewed and give in return. 🙂 So, if not for the contest, then try Rev.iew.me out for fun.
By the way, I forgot there was a referral link, so if you do join, use me as your referral.
Thanks Nile 🙂
No problem, as I say, sites that I believe are great deserve to be plugged. I also like to plug contests. It helps everyone in the end.
I’m a member there too, although I have trouble with reviewing websites as thoroughly as others seem to, so I haven’t posted any reviews there yet.
Charity’s last blog post..Taxes Are Done