Facebook has yet another update for Facebook fanpages. Not sure if this is a flop as I have not seen much on bad things with the update, but that is because I am still playing around with the the new features.
I am glad that with this update Facebook was courteous enough to put together a tour. They have added the same feature of pictures at the top like profiles. However, only you can update your own page’s photos so you will not get those annoying “tagged” photos from some of the Facebook apps.
Your edit page feature is in the top right of the page.
Instead of tabs, your former tabs are underneath your fan page image. Also, for those who use leaderboard 200×600 pixel images for their fan page image, it will be scaled down to 180×540 pixels with the upgrade.
The edit page has the sections to the right and the different sections like editing your fan page info/ description, adding applications, and more. It is less squished together than the older version to edit your page. I do not like that the insights page does not have a back link to the edit section. It only has a link to go back to the page itself.
You still cannot suggest to friends unless you are an admin or have a special fbml installed in your welcome tab, at least for those who have one. You also cannot see the members on a fan page you are not an admin of. You can only see your own members. You can however see how many of your mutual friends are fans of the same page.
You can view my fan page, the facebook fan page of Nile Flores to view the changes from the user perspective. (You can also right click on the image to the right to view it larger in a new window.)
Some people have complained that their update took a long time, but if you are having troubles (like you could not update your page, or something turns up strange and glitchy), then give Facebook a holler by reporting these issues. As a note, you will only be able to keep the old version of your fan page until March 1st. After that, fan pages that have not upgraded, will be automatically upgraded at that time.
Have you tried the upgrade or at least previewed your fan page in the upgraded format? What do you think? What could be improved upon?
I also saw the new fanpage design but I didnt understand what can be done. Since the inception of facebook I really struggle with the sense of it. This time it says use facebook as page, as my user or as the designated fan page. I find it a bit confusing.
I have both my profile and my fan page (well, several since I have several sites). One is more personal, and then my own fan page is where I can get serious and have more focus with anyone who has been a client, interested in being a client, wanting to engage with others with events tying both my FB fan page and my site together, or is truly curious on how to improve their website.
I was a little confused in the beginning too, but as I learned how to promote my site through social networks, it was really important to me to being able to reach out and connect somehow, other than sit and shout from the corner known as my blog.
I love to be social and while I may not be sticking my design in someone’s face, I am building a good relationship with people who may come to rely on my knowledge or services in the future. Or I might learn something from those who follow me. Win-win!
Not sure if that helps.
I too saw this new look of Facebook. They are trying many things 🙂
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