Recently Facebook rolled out their new feeds, yep, feeds as in more than 1. One is the Live Feed which is somewhat like the old stream except you are informed of your friends following others and what they became a friend of. The other is the News Feed that publishes popular posts, at least for your viewing pleasure.
Other Changes:
1. Also, the Status update fix, which apparently does not work and supposedly allows you to restore your Facebook page to its older settings and look. Instead you are telling Facebook on only display status updates that include anything BUT photos, links, videos, and applications.
2. More than 250 friends and Facebook basically chooses who THEY think you might want to listen to.
Of course I noticed some problems since this change, applications are a bit slower than usual, I have difficulty clicking on friend requests to accept and even accepting gifts to some applications. I noticed a lot more time outs on connection as well, AND the fact that I have been receiving a ridiculous amount of Facebook virus/ spam. Facebook addressed the issue of noticing the viruses going about the internet in their fan page.
I have been noticing a lot of invites from people to join the group on Facebook called CHANGE FACEBOOK BACK TO NORMAL!! with over 1.5 million people that joined as well as another called PLEASE GIVE US OUR OLD NEWS FEED BACK! that has over 600 thousand members.
Not sure if Facebook would even consider this obvious message that the changes are not welcomed. How about you – if you use Facebook, do you like the new changes?
Myself, the changes do not bother me. The only thing I am interested in them fixing is the fact that I have to constantly reload the requests page before the links and buttons become clickable, and the fact that the Facebook chat stops working for long periods of time.
I have that on my wishlist too. After a while I just leave it, but when I do, I end up piling up requests like crazy. *sighs*