Don’t be afraid to talk about yourself. Yes, I can’t believe I have to write a post like this, but it’s a problem that people either don’t understand or really have a fear. In social media or business, there’s no time to be shy. This can even be extended to bloggers too!
It’s time to connect with others. Yes, it’s important to listen, but it’s also important to make a real connection. In not talking about yourself, you’re not giving other people out there a way for them to relate to you.
Now, I’m not talking about self-promoting your blog posts, or when you’re at conferences networking your heart out. I’m talking about you… yes, you!
Trust me, I can talk a lot about myself and my family. However, I learned at an early age that in order to make friends, you’ve gotta talk to them. I do understand the fear behind not wanting to talk about yourself. Perhaps you may have had your fear stem from one of the following:
- What if I sound like I’m bragging?
- They probably don’t care, and don’t want to listen to someone else’s life?
- What if I promote myself too much?
- What if they want to know something I’m not comfortable talking about?
These fears usually stem from either not learning proper communication, having a bad experience, or being shy?
I’ve continually mentioned through presentation, podcasts, and post throughout this website that you should be telling people who you are and why you matter to them. Be short and sweet about it. You don’t have to tell them your life story or regale them with fantastic adventures, or showcase the umpteen awards you’ve won. Oh, and don’t tell them personal things you’re not comfortable talking about because that story doesn’t immediately pertain to the core things you need to cover… who you are and why you matter.
Like a lot of things, keep your introduction simple. If people are curious for more, then they’ll ask. Listen (or if in text, read) for the clues that they leave behind on how the conversation should progress. Oh, and don’t forget to give them time to respond. I’ve had a horrible habit a while ago about getting so excited about what I talked about, that I literally plowed through the conversation until it was one-sided. It didn’t leave much to speak about.
You don’t need to rehearse your introduction. Just be solid in knowing who you are and why you know you matter. In doing so, this gives you a far more polished look. People who don’t know the basics of who they are and what they offer, are usually not sure about their business. That ends up making others unsure of who you are.
This also pertains to bloggers because if people come to your website and don’t know who you or your site is, and why it matters to them, they walk away confused. Sadly, they may never return. ๐
If you can’t deliver yourself with confidence, then how can another person trust you enough to spend money on whatever you’re selling? How can you grow as a business person or even a blogger?
Are you afraid to talk about yourself? If so, why? Furthermore, do you know who you are and what you’re offering?
Hey Nile
i read your article, i appreciate your efforts, yes you are right that most of the people don’t get what you exactly wanna say them through your writing skills, but, i got your point. your article was amazing i liked that.
Hi Nile,
It is important to talk about yourself a bit so people can see you as a real human being. It has to be a fine balance and one that is honest and credible. If they want to know more, they sure will ask.
We have to have that little bio in our mind all the time so we don’t get put on the spot. I find keeping it short and simple is the best way that works for me.
Thanks for bringing up this topic. Many are still in the state of fear doing this.
You convey a supreme message to everyone. Really appreciated. Keep continuing your great job Nile.. ๐
This post hit home with me. I have always been one to keep my personal life to myself. Maybe because I have felt that people wouldn’t ‘care’ about what I do lol. I have always joked with my husband how boring a sitcom would be if it was about us. I need to put myself out there more often; so people see the real me or at least feel like they know me through my blog. Thank you again!
The best way to express yourself is to talk about self. It will be really helpful as it helps in understanding yourself. Just like being free.
hi nile . This time the articles I read very rebuked me . I realized that I was less open to the public about myself . I consider a lot of things if you want to publish about myself . but thanks to this article , I understand that it is necessary for openness with the public . I was satisfied with your piece .
I was not using facebook for a long time because i was afraid to talk about me ….But after reading your post you really motivated me ..Planning to use facebook again ๐
Thanks for sharing this topic because it makes one to be self and unique in their own way. I like the tip to keep it simple and to be solid in knowing who we are.
I like your suggestions to tell about yourself and why you matter to the listener, but not necessarily to reveal personal details, especially if those details have very little to do with what you teach and offer.
Having interviewed many people and having been a guest on many radio and TV shows, I am used to talking about myself and about my favorite topics, especially healing through love. I reveal personal vignettes only as they seem appropriate for the topic and not just for sensationalism or forced authenticity.
Dr. Erica
Excellent advice Nile!
And it certainly does take a certain amount of both
confidence an skill, to walk that fine line between sharing
your core story and why i should matter to someone and
just plain old shameless self promotion!
And unfortunately, the only 80/20 rule some marketers adhere to
is, 80% self promotion and the heck with the remaining 20!LOL!
Thanks for sharing and making such an important point!