Anyone can start blogging for any reason, however the intention may not always be the same. It may be to earn money from content creation (blogging), for your business, or just to be heard. However, you should be blogging with integrity.
With millions of sites out there, and with the fact many share topics in the same niche, there are bound to be some websites overlapping on article coverage. It may be intentional or not, but there is an ethical way to blog. I know from personal experience and speaking with other very influential bloggers, that content theft and content scraping is a big problem.
Now content theft and content scraping are not always be the same thing. In the case of this article, I am talking about bloggers who are taking articles from other blogs or resources, and writing poor chopped up version of them. In a way it is rewriting, but it is still unethical. Aside from this, the problem I am talking about are posts so poorly done that it is much like buying a cheap poorly made knockoff of a Prada shoe. There are a lot of flaws and the post seems lifeless without the blogger’s voice.
This does nothing for your visitors and your site will not build a lasting following or maintain its traffic. I’m not saying if you write an article on the same blog topic that you can’t do that. You can, but you need to put effort into the article, and frankly, if you are using another’s article for reference, you could benefit from linking back to the original post. This will clear up potential snafus between yourself and the blogs you are referring too.
Blogging with integrity should be in any blogger’s mind, aside from creating unique and quality content. For those who complain about their sites not having great site rank, look at your article! Honestly… look at it and look at what is out there! If you wrote that article and had been basing it off another’s article, you need to go and improve your post. That is, if you cared enough to do so.
It’s okay to be an ambitious blogger, but it’s not okay to steal content from other people. Instead of being ambitious, be the better blogger by blogging with integrity.
Are you blogging with integrity?
Once you keep your word Nile there are no limits to what you can do in the blogging world. Gain the trust of your readership by telling the truth. Never, ever copy work, because karma is always in effect! By creating your own stuff, helping people and connecting with other bloggers you can succeed online quite quickly.
Resist any urge to lie, or present false claims, with all your willpower, and you will distance yourself from the hyped-up blogging crowd. Again, if your readers trust you, you are golden.
Thanks for sharing!
Definitely, Ryan. 🙂
I read a blog not too long ago from a guy who claimed to be an expert at making money online. His blog had been up for quite awhile and had many followers and then he posts that he is a fraud, that he hasn’t made the money he claimed and that he didn’t know what he was talking about so he was shutting his blog down, apologized and poof.
I agree with everything you have said, it is VERY important to BE real, know what you are talking about and not deceive people because this is the internet after all and sorry the lady on the commercial is wrong, everything you read on the internet is NOT true.
There are a LOT of people that should do like this guy did! They should confess to lying about their online income, apologize for being a fraud, and shut down their damns site!
Unfortunately, there are a LOT of phony bloggers and online marketers.
Fortunately, this blog by Nile is very informative, helpful and full of integrity!
Thanks Nile!
~ Jupiter Jim
I like the word Ryan! About helping people … I remember Nile here when she helped me with blog logo for free. That is why I think Nile going to reach success in no time. She has all the integrity.
I do my best but sometimes I forget or I’m in a rush. No excuse, of course. Thank you for sharing this very important piece.
Being in a rush is different. This is being a better blogging and writing from what you know, giving credit where it is due when you do not know.
Resist any urge to lie, or present false claims, with all your willpower, and you will distance yourself from the hyped-up blogging crowd. Again, if your readers trust you, you are golden.
hi thanks for this article i will be looking forward to it
Blogging is endless. We can keep on writing about many things which is happening around us. There are some celebrity personal blogs where they have written about morning when they get up and which tooth paste they use for brushing. So now blogging is such a crazy thing where very one want to create a brand and reputation online.
So when we blog with integrity, we write to give solution for some people around the globe who will be searching to solve it. So always blogging is all about what you do for others. Either its for money or traffic, we will write something which attracts people, get us visitors and help us to earn.
Shathyan – The issue is not the drive behind blogging, but the ethical process when blogging.
Thanks for your info guys! Very nice site…!
I do blogging because I like blogging. Sometime my quality article does no get high rank in Google but I feel good as my regular visitor know what I am writing !!
Thank you for sharing this very important piece.
I will admit I’ve posted some garbage content to one of my sites to keep a regular flow of content. I’m trying to get away from worrying about how fast I am posting and worrying more about how good the content is.
Hi Adam! That is definitely a good plan. 😀
Excellent post Nile !
This is what i call a professional’s genuine advice to newbie bloggers …This is what a newbie should do . Thanks for sharing this information .
It seems crazy to me that this even needs to be said! There are no shortcuts!
Hi Kathy! Unfortunately, it does. There are a lot of bloggers that don’t blog with integrity and are stealing from each other… more than you know. In fact, in the WordPress niche alone, there are sites that rip content from my own site and some of my colleagues that were the first to put out specific tutorials. It is really sad to see those article re-written poorly in a desperate attempt to get money from Google. These are also the same people that end up complaining with Google shuts their adsense account down.
Excellent Post Nile,
I personally believe experimenting is a great way to learn in any niche or career. It even applies for blogging. It’s time to redefine the old practices..
It depends Gautham! If it means ripping off another hard working blogger, its not experimenting… its stealing and that really is not an old practice that is encouraged in the blogging community.
When i started blogging, i thought it was all about quality content, keywords and optimisation, but now i have learnt something new, and i will start applying it, blogging with intergrity.
Blogging is forever!
Thanks for the info and for sharing.
A sober reminder of what should be common sense and courtesy.
I was taught that if you are going to use someone else’s content, to begin with a paragraph of your own, then use their content, then end with a closing paragraph of your own — and link to the other person’s content. That way, you are edifying them as well as adding your own content.
Awesome Post!
Awesome Website!
And really Commendable layout!
Keep up the good work
Hi Nile,
I don’t think there is problem with poorly written duplucates. They will be filtered out by natural process. Very soon they’ll realize that it is not going for some long time. After wasting time of few months they’ll quit!
The ethics arises when we think about originality and uniqueness. There will be very few topics left under the sun when we try to be original in post content, isn’t it? So, I believe we’ll be going to the novelty in presentation and the approach we apply to grow our readership.
Suresh! There is definitely a problem with poorly written duplicates. It shows that the blogger is either:
– inexperienced
– would rather steal content without giving credit where it is due
– doesn’t care
As a blogger, you should care to get it right before relying on search engines to do the rest. If you are thinking about the search engine results and alogrithms first, I am sorely disappointed.
So, what if I went to your site and wrote an article based on one you had, and then made it better…which would happen. You’d probably think nothing about it and if I linked to you, you might be really happy.
Now… what if instead I took that article, re-wrote that as a poorly written version? What if based on my domain age alone, optimizing the article, and my domain’s authority, I end up ranking better in that article over you. You might possibly be angered enough to say something, right?
Hi Nile,
This post is great! Blogging with integrity is so important to build a loyal following of fans. When you create original content in your own voice it really shows in the quality of the writing. I also think it’s important for other blogs to not take your complete posts and put them on their site without asking you. This has happened to me and it is not right. Thanks for this great reminder.
Hi Nile,
This is really a great content. I want to mention few things that I like the most.
1.) Content of website, definitely killer.
2,) Design of website, really eye catching.
Kshitij Jain
I must say that there are some blogs you may like to advice the owner on sub standard post or copied post. Some people go to the extent of posting via mobile browsers and the posts ends up looking kiddish. But they would never reply your comments nor approve it.
Great post.
Agree completely Niles. If you’re stealing content from others, what you’re really doing is hurting your brand. Sure, you might get some short term benefits, but in the long term it’s just not worth it. Always write unique content on your blog in your own voice. 🙂
Very informative. This is really worth reading. Thank you for sharing this great post.
Hey Nile, What a great reminder to all of us Yes Blogging With Intergrity! I am learning so much since joining the B3 group and loving it. I did read an article the other day about how to go about linking back to the original article this is such a great idea. Why would someone want to copy someone elses post and not give them credit for it. It just in not ethical. Thanks for sharing.. Chery 🙂
You have a nice page. You have some useful posts. thanks
Blogging is all about fun and expressing your thoughts. So if you do it right you will have integrity, this is my approach 😉
Hi Nile,
Blogging with integrity needs to be indeed ethical,genniue, free from DMCA, copyscape, and ready to give blog readers their heart desire and the purpose of visiting your blog
Thanks, your tips on this post is very useful for me
I’m a web enthusiast like you. I’ve been building sites for some time now, doing freelancing, and blogging. Now I want to share what I’ve learned.
hello nile
This is really a great content. I want to mention few things that I like the most.really enjoyed the read thnx for sharing
Thanks, your tips on this post is very useful for me
Hi Nile,
I learn new things here…blogging with integrity 🙂
I love to blog about anything that is related to the product I am promoting but I am not sure if sharing content from the book I read will make me lose integrity ? Honestly, I love to share anything which I know is beneficial to people and can help readers have better understanding.
Thanks for this awesome article, Nile 🙂
Pearly Quah
Hi Nile,
I agree with the premise you have submitted here. Often times, people presume that they live a life of integrity based on one or two characteristics that may have some virtue. I am frequently amazed how these same people, touting integrity like a police badge, seem to be in a quagmire of questionable behaviors. Integrity to me, is doing the right the thing especially when no one is looking! There are no excuses for intellectual laziness and theft. Period.
hi Nile
nice article very helpful with me thanks for sharing.
Well said Nile,
integrity matters. I also post an article where I am trying to point to worthwhile news every now and then, but it doesn’t mean we should scrape the content.
Love your blog by the way.
i have tried blogging twice.. once my blog start to get traffic and reach up to 1 lac viewers per month. after that it start to decrease again..
i cant get in to rid of this problem can you guide why it is happening.
Hi Nile
I’m totally agree with you, blogger is a true job not an easy way to make money. So everyone need to be serius just like they are in their company.
hey nice post Nile…quite influencing one….really important tips…really liked the thoughts..and yes integrity matters and it plays an important role in your blog. So try to be unique , innovative and serious to your blog….:)
Nice Post
Thanks for Sharing
I think building your own blog is the most efffective way to build your credibility and establish your expertise in your niche. if you think of it, blogging also fuels a lot of the other points you have mentioned e.g. it will increase your social media following, create guest posting opportunities, and more.
A big yes Nile! I’ve been blogging with integrity and will always continue so…nothing beats that in the long run. Anyone thinking otherwise may need to reconsider!
I think that blogging with original content and not straying into other people’s material is so important. Integrity is the only way to go!
I really love the way information is presented in your post…..
The great thing is always that some places
I am not sure integrity and stealing content are strictly related as stealing is just that…although some would say theft is the most sincere form of flattery maybe…but that aside I guess what you are trying to say is be original – to which I agree – yet inspiration from others is how the world works…so it is grey unless it is totally stolen…and copied. As Salvador Dali said: “Those who do not want to imitate anything, produce nothing!
I personally believe that your words plays an important role here in blogging profession. If one is doing some personal sharing on his / her blog, he/she gonna reach the heart of its readers more quickly than these corporate blogs.
In blogging, Karma also plays an important role, and one can get more and more karma with his / her own work. By copying someone’s sole work does not only hurt him, but also destroys your image in the community.
Hello Nile,
You really touched a nerve with this post. I read through some of the comments about people shutting down their blogs because they’ve been telling lies and making up results. It’s a shame really. If you just do the work — as in any new goal or activity you undertake, the results will come — or they won’t. Nothing is worth selling out your integrity.
Blogging With Integrity – on the long run it is always the best strategy… 🙂
Amen to blogging with integrity Nile! I have had more blog posts stolen than I can count and it is always aggravating, frustrating and mind-blowing. I can’t figure out why someone would steal someone else’s work and attempt to call it their own. I also can’t understand what value they hope to find in it.
We all find inspiration in one another and as you said, it’s hard to constantly re-invent the wheel within certain niches, but knowing how to properly give credit is a part of blogging with integrity. More bloggers should put integrity at the top of their list than really do.
Blogging is an art and cannot be done without practice.
Blogging is basically done on ideas how we present it.
We should have a proper topic for blogging that could become a rage.
I don’t think I can relate to the Prada knock-offs, not my style.
But, what I can relate to is sticking with the addage “content is king!” We must all have something of value to offer to those who read our blogs. Repeating the same old stuff will not develop a loyal following.
People like to know they are cared for and special. So being innovative in your thinking caters to the nurturing feeling. Give them what they want – entertaining, educational, new, fresh and useable. They’ll keep coming back for more.
I am blogger who does business on my blog for my own products and sometimes reviewing other products in my niche.
A couple things I’m not clear on:
1. If someone receives the the product, like the book they’re reviewing, and a free copy of the book to give away on their blog for a prize, should they disclose this or is this considered normal in the industry?
2. What if you simply review a book you bought but then use an amazon affiliate link to the book you recommend. Is this considered disclose worthy?
Maybe all this would be best answered in the disclosure policy you mentioned.
Thanks, your topics are always so helpful for navigating the blogosphere.
Wahooo at last a blog post that is actually useful 🙂
Far too many bloggers post up the same rehashed drivel…
Blogging is a proper job and its not easy to make money and it is even harder to make a full time living from it…
This post is really nice.It is one of the best method that is Blogging with Integrity. Thankz for sharing this information with us.