Anyone ever heard of I ran across this site during a search and my site was listed there, so I took a look. This site has a load of nifty things, including a way for visitors to sign up. As a user, you can rate and review a blog. Now, I thought when I was there that someone submitted my site, but that was not the case. It was kind of like a search engine dedicated to bloggers. I like that idea. They even rank the blog by their own editors too.
I saw that I have a review, but I need to go over and update my site information. They were still using my old Camaro theme for a long time (lol.)
No, this is not a sponsored post. I know I have started doing that, but I am very picky on what I choose as campaign and that most of them are something that others can enjoy. It would be ridiculous to blog on something that I know nothing about and does not have any relevance to anyone that my site targets. On the note about material, I actually have a list of topics I need to catch up on, but I fear if I blog more than once in a day, it might be a bit much. I will be putting an article on Blog Tools soon that will occasionally be updated with links to help bloggers get their site out and about.
it redirected to now