It’s Wednesday again and that means it is time for #WordPressWednesday. I have gone around the WordPress and blogging community to bring recently published WordPress related articles. Please note that I try my best to look for different resources each week to share, so if you know of a quality site that publishes WordPress related
[Continue Reading...]#SharingSundays Recap 2013 Volume 1
#SharingSundays has returned! Now, I was a little late to sending out the reminder for the event, but that is okay. It was the first #SharingSundays event for 2013. So, as a recap, let me tell you about what #SharingSundays is. #SharingSundays is an event that happened every Sunday at the Facebook Fan Page of
[Continue Reading...]WordPress Plugin Review: Simple Tags
Simple Tags is a plugin for WordPress that helps the user choose the most relevant tag to go with their post. Let’s face it, over-tagging is a problem that some bloggers are guilty of. It is so tempting to use as many tags that could possibly be relevant to the post. Tagging within a site
[Continue Reading...]#FanPageFriday Recap 2013 Volume 1
#FanPageFriday is back! So, every Friday Facebook fan page owners can share 2 different fan pages on my professional fan page- Nile Flores. The first has to be a fan page that is owned by someone else. The second fan page can be their own fan page. While other Facebook page owners may have more
[Continue Reading...]Be Careful When Title Baiting
Title baiting is a form of attracting attention to something in a false manner. In blogging, this does happen, and the result is not always so favorable for the blog. Why would someone title bait? The blogger wants drive in traffic by any means possible. The blogger wishes to create controversy in their niche. The
[Continue Reading...]#WordPressWednesday 2013 Volume 1
I have been hinting several places online that I would finally start up an effort to gather quality WordPress posts from around the WordPress and blogging community that were recently published. Recent articles published qualify at the latest, 1 month. I would like to try to keep #WordPressWednesday as evergreen as possible, but it will
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