Andy Peatling, announced BuddyPress 1.1 Released on September 30, 2009. There were a few updated to the core and now the social network platform offers: One click internal bbPress forum integration global forum directory Easier theme integration More freedom for administrators to control their site Allow plug developers to hook their BuddyPress installation into outside
[Continue Reading...]Social Media: Coping With Negative Responses
Recently Best Buy had one heck of a run in with a negative crowd in their Best Buy Facebook community after posting the following question: What do you think about offering in Spanish? Maggie McGary writes the article Best Buy Asks The Wrong Question On Facebook on Social Media Today and asks basically why
[Continue Reading...]Crossposting: Pros, Cons, and Etiquette
Crossposting has sometimes been dubbed as duplicate content, however, if that was so, then even social bookmarking would probably be put in the same boat sometimes. To get a better understanding, I have included a definition of crossposting: As defined by Wikipedia: Crossposting is the act of posting the same message to multiple forums, mailing
[Continue Reading...]Social Bookmarking and Spam – Further Insight
As a few know (and for those who do not, now you do know), I intern for the wiki named Unfortunately in the past they were banned from Digg because of apparent spamming, and partially past wankage (wank), this is a case based on a past grudge. This was done originally as one of
[Continue Reading...]Password Protection – Keeping Your Information Safer
People preach password protection by citing online resources to either signup or download. Personally, I would stay away from them, unless you can really trust them. A lot of these programs and places require that you put in answers to personal security questions, your birthday, and more. However, as we have seen from time to
[Continue Reading...]How Long Or Short Should A Blog Post Be?
Although some might say it is debatable and say there is no such thing as having a blog post so long it deters your visitors away, the fact is – it CAN be harmful to your site do produce extensive articles. The reason for this that a lot of times your first time visitors may
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