TDO Mini forms, a flexible form plugin by Mark Cunningham had been updated on November 18th at the WordPress Plugin directory for users to be able to upgrade. Unfortunately the plugin version issued was not complete and called fatal errors. Example: Fatal error: Call to undefined function tdomf_get_all_users() in /home/themes/public_html/test/wp-content/plugins/tdo-mini-forms/include/tdomf-notify.php on line 60 This errors
[Continue Reading...]News For Chat Catcher Plugin Users
Chat Catcher, which has a plugin for WordPress users allows bloggers to install their free service and add a “reaction” like in Disqus or trackback entries from Twitter, FriendFeed, and, along with various url-shortening services. Here is what Shannon Whitley, the creator of Chat Catcher said in an email I received for Chat Catcher
[Continue Reading...]Disable Comments For Older Posts In WordPress
It is really annoying to get spam in posts so old you almost forgot about them. Here is a tutorial to help you with close your comments using the close comments function in version WordPress older than 2.7. This will help bring down the number of spammers who like to slip in comments on older
[Continue Reading...]Number of Comments Do Not Always Equal Success
I am sure that the title of my blog alone makes you wonder if I went off the deep end as it might not make sense. You would think someone with a lot of comments might be a success. That is not always true. There are some out there called “comment whores.” Yeah, that is
[Continue Reading...]When Is The Best Time To Blog
This is usually a tricky question and really depends on when your visitors visit your site. Some people might say the best time is during the height of traffic. My advice is to do it before the height of traffic on your site and to be varied. Do not always post at a certain time
[Continue Reading...]How to Secure Your WordPress Blog
Securing or as some have dubbed ‘hardening’ your WordPress is important. Why? Well, it allows you to keep out hackers or if you have guest writers, you can make sure they do not take over your blog and boot you out. Also, it could help you with spammers. If you are reading this article and
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