We all hope that our blogs will eventually transition from ‘just another blog,’ into an active community discussion platform. This largely starts with readers beginning to actively participate in the comments. But how do you encourage your readers to leave comments (without personally hunting them down and begging them, of course)? Discuss, Don’t Lecture There’s
[Continue Reading...]Social Media 101: Be Prepared to Work
I was reading an article called The Clock’s Ticking: 10 Steps to Social Media Business Integration by Andrea V Lewis and though I recommend reading it, it is probably nothing new that has already been said here at Blondish.net or from top dogs in the social media industry. However, it is good to read articles
[Continue Reading...]SeededBuzz.com – Bringing Back Inspiration To Blog
Lately I have been falling into a wealth of discovering or being told about new websites that help bloggers. I am usually not one to blog back-to-back about websites, but hey… it is a useful site and could prove to be helpful. SeededBuzz.com is a site that allows people to submit their post and allow
[Continue Reading...]Bring A Fresh Face To Your Blog With MyBlogGuest.com
I recently wrote Guest Blogging: Does It Really Help Your Site? One of the commenters informed me of a site that allows website owners to find others interested in writing for their blog. The site they mentioned was MyBlogGuest.com. So, I checked it out. The community is fairly new, but filled with eager people either
[Continue Reading...]WPVote.com Re-launched!
Remember the website Jean-Baptise Jung started called WPVote.com? During mid-2009, WPVote.com was the talk amongst WordPress bloggers. Why? Because it was a site built with the WordPress core as a digg-like site. This was a break through for those who were still doubtful of the power of WordPress as a CMS. When Jean-Baptiste did not
[Continue Reading...]How McDonald’s Uses Social Media Marketing
McDonalds (and by the way, someone tell McDonalds, that users get a 500 Internal Server Error for visiting McDonalds.com, but can see the site perfectly fine at www.mcdonalds.com – as of February 1, 2010) was founded in 1948(see McDonald’s History.) Since then, McDonalds has expanded from one restaurant to a franchise that is around the
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