Hesham asks on his site “is blogs like plants and cars?!” I felt that my response could be better stated in an article rather than a long comment. I tend to get winded in my comments. 😆 Blogs can be very similar to plants. Your design is the soil- the foundation to prepare for your
[Continue Reading...]Social Media 101: Your Business Cannot Rely On Only Social Networking
I was talking to a local business owner about social networking and websites. In fact it was my son’s karate instructor who has been in business for many years and has a very good reputation in his field. He has trained with the best too! His name is Lyle Huff and he manages the 5
[Continue Reading...]How To Manage Multiple Blogs
Brandon Cox writes a fairly good article at Fuel Your Blogging called Tips for Managing Multiple Blogs. The post talks about manage several blogs. I think firsthand that anyone can agree that you should know what you can do in the time that you have available. Life happens and as I have always said –
[Continue Reading...]Are People Spending Too Much Time On Facebook?
Is Facebook becoming the place to go to even when it is not a rainy day? Aaron Wong wrote Facebook: The Leaky Faucet of Time in response to Mashable‘s article Facebook Is the Web’s Ultimate Timesink. He put to the fact that the Mashable article said that according to Nielsen Ratings that Facebook users are
[Continue Reading...]Guest Post: Should You Worry About Duplicate Content?
[ This is a guest post by Tom Dwyer. Tom Dwyer is former senior interactive marketing executive where he brought cutting edge online solutions to Fortune 500 companies and small business owners all over the country. Tom now spends his time consulting and strategizing with businesses and organizations on how to be heard in today’s
[Continue Reading...]Where to Find Blog Post Ideas
Finding blog post ideas is not difficult. Seeded Buzz wrote an article called Blog post ideas that prevent writer’s block, which covered the fact that they noticed 1600 people a month were searching with the keywords “blog post ideas.” Although, for some sites, this is not a significant amount. For others, it might actually work
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