There is a reason why there is a #followfriday on Twitter and though a lot of people miss the point in recommending others. Follow Friday was created by Micah Baldwin (@micah) and was to allow people to honestly tell others who they should follow and why. This concept has been altered and unfortunately for the
[Continue Reading...]Graphic Tutorial: How to Make A Vexel Guitar
This tutorial is on how to make a guitar vexel. When you vector or even vexel, it is about your personal preference. You can put more layers to make your guitar look smooth or more realistic, or be very basic with using a few layers. We are going to use a base image. In the
[Continue Reading...]Can You Blog And Be Funny?
Yes!!! You can write about anything you want. Sometimes you might be in a light mood and want to convey that to your readers. It does take some talent and believe me, I am not the funniest when it comes to writing. My humor is a bit dry sometimes. Marko Saric writes A humorous day
[Continue Reading...]There Was A Funeral For IE6, So Why Are We Still Designing For It?
I use to like Internet Explorer. There are some uses – like the fact there are people that use it and view my site with it. However, it seems there are people who missed the updates and still use Internet Explorer 6 (IE6.) I still see people viewing my site in IE6 and know my
[Continue Reading...]7 Things To Think About When Applying SEO To Your Blog
The views on search engine optimization (SEO) has been one of the things that has changed in the past few years. A lot of bloggers sit down, type a post, and publish it without even applying any keywords. In fact, there are some that even apply SEO without even knowing it. However, it is usually
[Continue Reading...]WordPress Plugin Review: WordPress Simple Paypal Shopping Cart
The WordPress Simple Paypal Shopping Cart is a plugin created by Ruhul Amin for those who do not need a fancy shopping cart, but would like to have something they can customize on their site. The backend is quite simple and very light. You only have to put in your Paypal email address, specify if
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