So, you want to make a website? Whether business or for personal, there are several general guidelines you should follow. These are made to be flexible for most types of websites, however may not work for everyone. After webmastering several sites for almost 8 years now, these have been guidelines I have followed when creating
[Continue Reading...]Network Solutions On WordPress: Fail
I have some insight behind the Network Solutions issue. One of my clients I consult for and that I had to fix their WordPress installation also had the Secure File Permissions Matter back in February. Recently, Network Solutions published Tips and Info for Network Solutions WordPress Customers. Guess what, Matt Mullenweg was right and I
[Continue Reading...]When A Plugin Has A Yo Yo Effect
I really like Digg Digg, but after upgrading it on one site, the css and coding has been messed up where it distorts the site. I am not the only one reporting this. Some of this was to upgrade with update social bookmark API and some of the buttons have aesthetically changed. The problem is
[Continue Reading...]12 Ways To Eliminate Spam
Why should you guard your email address? Most people know when you see an email address that the text is blue and underlined, you can simply click it and your default email program (like Outlook Express, Yahoo, or Thunderbird) will open up with a way for you to immediately write that person. When you display
[Continue Reading...]Content Is King – Not Just A Fad
Producing content and using social media techniques have not been a fad – something that will go and come on a whim. Before the Internet, people were using other types of marketing methods. It was not until recently, “social media” became a popular term in exchange for “marketing” in general. As Mike Spakowski pointed out
[Continue Reading...]How To Analyze Your Site Stats
There are so many ways you can monitor your site. Google Analytics, Quantcast, Woopra, and much more. But with all these bars, graphs, and numbers – what do they mean? This article will discuss how you can analyze your site stats. The Terms Visits – This is pretty much self-explanatory. Average Time on Site –
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