is happy to now have VistaPrint as a sponsor. I am happy to have them as a sponsor as I actually use them for my own business cards and have been quite happy with their services. I have to thank my friend Hesham of Famous Bloggers, who had been contacted about this opportunity and
[Continue Reading...]Begging for Money Online – Effective Or Just Another Way to Abuse the System?
So, I came across my first Twitter begging scam. It was unfortunate because a couple of my regular followers decided to chip in out of their own kindness. I highly respect people who have big hearts, but sometimes I fear for them at the same time. It kind of goes hand in hand with the
[Continue Reading...] – August 2010 Updates has been going through some gradual changes. This is to help with navigation and organization of the website. A lot of the static page articles, including tutorials have been added as posts instead. I am gearing up to add a lot of things that I have worked on in the past year that are
[Continue Reading...]The Necessity of Linking Articles
There are so many sites, and all the sites out there in cyberspace, there are millions of blogs (well, at least is is assumed considering WordPress 3.0 alone had well over 10 million downloaded.) Naturally with all these websites, some people are going to be talking about nearly the same thing. So, why not link
[Continue Reading...]Are You Following Hype Or Real People In Social Media?
There is a lot of hype on people saying they are coaches or specialize in social media, but when it comes down to it, their experience is merely a year or two under the belt… especially online. While social media is a special term that had been produced in 2009 for a type of marketing,
[Continue Reading...]WordPress Plugin Review: Connections
Connections (Connections in the WordPress plugin directory) is a plugin that allows you to list a directory of people, much like an address book, or a directory listing of people. This is great for businesses that like to list their employees or management team. The plugin allows for an avatar or picture, website address, social
[Continue Reading...]