I originally presented WordPress for Business at the March 2012 Southern Illinois Social Media Club meeting. I am honor to have been invited to present. The issue with WordPress for Business is that a lot of business owners are either confused, or have the concept of social networking and having a website backwards. I hope
[Continue Reading...]SEO Is Not Dying
Optimizing your site is definitely a necessity, but overdoing it will hurt your site. All this talk on SEO dying is hogwash. If it were, then there would be no search engines. SEO is not dying. The issue that some people are hurt over is the fact that they actually have to write great content
[Continue Reading...]Info Geek Humor Graphic: Pie Charts
I have been on a role with making infographics, but I feel like I need to have my geeky humor come through these days and you know… it feels great to put my graphic design skill and my own humor, so I NOW have a series called Info Geek Humor Graphics. I will still do
[Continue Reading...]How To Use the Automatic Update When Upgrading WordPress
For newbies, using WordPress might be a little hard to learn. Even though WordPress makes it easy for users to upgrade their software, sometimes it can be scary. And yes, even scary just for clicking the button to automatically upgrade. No worries now! Below is a video screencast on how to use the automatic update
[Continue Reading...]How To Make Your Front Page A Static Page In WordPress
WordPress is more than just a blog and for some, having something different for the front page other than the most recent posts is necessary to make way for other important information that the website owner wants the reader to see. For example, if you are a consultant who wants to give a brief summary
[Continue Reading...]Why You Should Use a Custom 404 Page
What is a 404 page? It is a page that tells your visitors when they go to a specific page that it no longer exists. Using a custom page for this is a benefit, especially to search engines like Google. The search engines index websites and all of their pages, including the 404 page. One
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