Sometimes simple can be good, especially if it is a nifty site like a short URL site or perhaps a site that searches domain names, or even favicon manipulation sites. SingleFunction contains articles on different sits to whet your need to see simplicity at its finest. The site is a clever creation of Webmasterish.
The site is one big showcase. I had to say that I was pretty impressed with the smorgabord of sites covered and the information gathered about each. You can even suggest a site, but it has to be a site based on a singular type of function. Also, you can vote on the sites showcased. Even is showcased there. is a single function site for shortening URLs and I give the script away here at the site – free to use. Feel free to leave a comment there or send some vote love… well, I would hope you might. *bats eyelashes* 😀
This is a great site to surf around and pick up a few tools. I saw some sites showcased that are simply dedicated to helping webmasters chose the right color palette. This site is truly a showcase to resourceful sites.
Thanks for the useful info. It’s so interesting