What is digital distinction? Well, digital distinction in regards to social media, though it has no official meaning, is describe as:
Digital Distinction(in my own words): It is a description in the development your own internet branding or your internet reputation. It is how you brand yourself online to be unique and how people can find you.
Why is it important to be digitally distinct? The internet is a huge place with a lot of people in it. Many people have similar interests and may even have the same name. You can have a negative or positive distinction. People will look you up in search engines like Google and can get the gist of what type of person you are online or even perhaps, in real life.
If you have a bunch of negative against you, then you could be hurting your reputation and deterring people from your site. You should try looking up your name in Google and seeing what comes up about you. If it is hateful, the beauty is that you can give a rebuttle if the information found is false. However, if you do, it can a risk depending on how you respond, and you should be as diplomatic as possible.
If you do not have any negative marks against you in the search engines, then that is great! You are literally on your way to successfully making yourself unique online. If you have found that you have no negative commentary, try social bookmarking sites like Digg, and StumbleUpon. There are quite a few social bookmarking sites, but remember, a social bookmarking site helps spread the word about your blogging, and thusly, spreading your digital distinction.
To give an example and in-depth look, if anyone were to look up ‘Nile Flores’ in Google, not only is my blog listed first, but about every site I have maintained, or important aspects of my professional life, home life, and online life come up in the search engine. This goes on for the first three pages of results, before even starting to pan out.
The general key to making yourself digitally distinct is being yourself. If you are a bitch or an asshole, then you are, and if you are a somewhat of a sweetie, then go on with your bad self. Make your site reflect you and connect with people who you will fit in. Being digitally distinct is like being unique in real life. If you truly want to be unique, then you will make it happen. No one else can do that for you and it really shows when you do a search about yourself in the search engines.
Here is a fun related link on calculating your digital distinctiveness: Online Identity Calculator.
I love your phrase Digitally Distinct. When I first looked up my name on the Internet I found it had already been taken by a guy in the Virgin Isles. But I think I am becoming digitally distinct.
The Online Identity Calculator looks fun but they do want a lot of information. I wonder how many people bother to answer all those questions?
I do not think they collect any info on people, more like a generator. The term is pretty catchy, I should do a presentation with that in the title.
Now, on your rank, as your site gets older and you draw in more backlinks, you might rank better one day and be on top for your name. I just might be a little lucky because I have a unique name.
Just a thought I had… wouldn’t it be cool if I could appear on “Nile” also pretty good…lol. I might have to do an interactive experiment to see if people might help me rank under that just for curiosity and of course, giggles.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. 😀
I guess our online identity should be separate from our offline identity (name). That way, we can create a distinct identity online as well as not mingle it with our offline identity – Would that help?
Actually, your online and offline identity should be the same. Being honest and transparent is really important these days. If you were to be different offline than you are online and say… you go to a conference and happen by chance to meet a regular reader of your site, and they find you different, they might be put off by it. Be consistent all around.
hi Nile, what a great term: ‘Digitally Distinct’ – I think that makes someone sound quite distinguished! I might try that next time I am out networking, “And might I enquire as to your digital distinction”?!
As for me? Well, a name like Mandy Swift is not exactly the most unique name in the whole world, but apart from ‘Swift car insurance’ I do manage to fill the first 2 pages of google in the UK with ‘Swift exclusive’ stuff. I have to say You-Tube is not quite so exclusive about me yet, however, they still think people may prefer Taylor Swift and Canadian Superstar Mandy Swift … I will of course now write to them, with reference to this article, to point out my digital superiority!
You are so right of course,you have to be able to market your differences or you will always be compared to someone else. Great post, thanks 🙂
When I look myself up, most of the top 10 results are other people. The only thing they have of me is my Twitter page. I think they will soon have my website in the top 10 since I have been commenting on so many blogs lately.
I love that tern “Digitally Distinct!” Very catchy and true! In order to stand out on the internet, we have to differentiate ourselves in unique ways. I will have to go check what shows up on Google for my name now!
I, like many people that commented like the term ‘Digitally Distinct’ because it is an eye catcher. I just realized that I am! I googled myself and am on the first page. Yippie! My name pops up a lot, even some of my clients have told me that. Also, people have googled me and became clients. I must be doing something right!
I am more of a social networker. I like syndicating people, and blogging myself. I do not like all the programs that hit a blog with a one-liner. I do want to interact with people as people. Maybe that’s why I got to the top? Thanks for this info. I had so much fun with it.
Hi Nile,
OK, I think it’s unanimous…we all love the term “Digitally Distinct!”
Since creating a unique brand is so important to our overall marketing objectives, it is essential to be “digitally distinct”
I took the FUN test and I am happy to report that I am “digitally distinct” I like the little badge you can place on your site or blog.
Thanks for sharing this great info…
To your continued success,
HI Nile, I love this post! Being Digitally Distinct is a great way to really be true to your brand and your image online. It is important to be unique and true to your voice if you want to make a difference online. Having integrity and honesty when doing business is also key. I will have to check out the link for online identity calculator. Thanks for sharing:)