Donating money is usually something that as an individual, you look at the service provided and access what it is worth before giving an amount of money away. This goes for anything, including donations of bloggers.
I have seen bloggers putting up a donation module of some sort, whether it be Chipin, Paypal itself, or some other module that accepts payment. Considering some of the sites I have visited, I really do see a point to give some money, especially if I have learned or taken away something from the website.
It works much like web developers who offer free tools that other users online can use. This gives an extra appreciation to the developer to create more great programs for others to use or to improve upon what is already offered.
For bloggers, this could be an extra boost from readers to say they appreciate the blogger or have actually learned from the blogger something that has made their business or website successful.
For me, I think donations for bloggers are acceptable as long as the blog owner is not literally begging for money. It is one thing to put up a message to ask, but another to constantly bombard visitors with the message.
There will be loyal visitors who come and might want to support your site. Whether it is through donating up front, or advertising, sponsored posts or links, or social network sponsored post (through Twitter and Facebook), it is okay. For blog site owners, never expect it to be something common. I can attest that it is not a frequent happening.
However, it you have a few dollars (or whatever your monetary value may be named), think about supporting the blog that helps you the most in a unique manner. You never know, with the power of blogging, the thanks in return could be fruitful.
Have you donated to a blogger because you learned from them? What do you look for when supporting a blogger monetarily, other than commenting, pay for advertising, linking, social bookmarking or other means?
I have a donate button on my blog via Pledgie and I am extremely grateful to all my blogging friends that have helped me keep my blog alive by donating, I don't go out of my way to ask, I just have a button as an option and as a show of appreciation for my work and each dontation is always very much appreciated and thanked 😉
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i believe it is perfectly acceptable because it is a choice you are giving the readers, it isn't an obligation. Great look by the way.
I agree with you, Nile.. and one way to show the appreciation for the writer/blogger is through donation. I personally don't see any problem with asking for donations because it is for the sake of the blogger = blog itself. I don't remember donating any but this is a nice way to say – "keep up the good work!"
I've never donated to a blog and I can't really see myself ever doing it, most likely because you won't see me add a donation button to my blog unless it's for a cause, etc.
I can't say that I'm against other bloggers doing it, but it's just def not my thing.
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Hi Nile, I've considered adding a donation button like the one Karen has, or some other bloggers have "buy me a cup of coffee". I think it's a nice gesture to support someone you're networking with. I also like to sponsor contests as a show of support. Right now there's a contest at Blog Engage that I'm sponsoring and last month I helped Kiesha from We Blog Better celebrate her birthday and one year blog-anniversary. It's a very rewarding aspect that promotes your blogging community.
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Nile – I have donated a few dollars to at least three different blogs that I frequently visit because these blogs show a genuine interest in giving rather than receiving. The free tips and tricks I have learned from these blogs are worth ten times more than the few dollars I have donated.
When I make a donation I feel like I'm giving back and it is definitely a way I show my appreciation for what they have done directly or indirectly to help me. I think more bloggers should accept donations on their blog because I know there are many more people out there that feel the same way I do when it comes to donating.
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I think donations are a good extra income stream.
In the netherlands (where I come from) there are a few magazines you can order for free. only at the end of the year they they ask you for a donation. Most of them earn a decent profit.
I think this allso should work for bloggers
Donations are acceptable so long as it is not pushed and there's no specific amount stated for donation. And personally, if the site or program or plugin has helped me a lot, I usually donate as a way of saying thank you.
Yes i agree. Donation for blogger should be acceptable because bloggers help readers by offering the useful information and if readers find it useful then being a good human donate them.
Interesting subject. Obviously bloggers can do anything they feel doesn’t negatively affect their brand; I just wonder if anyone would make enough money through donations to make it worth the effort, and more – worth the stigma that comes with soliciting money. I think readers just expect blogs to be free and seeing a donation button is sort of like seeing a tip jar at Subway.