Most people will find something along the way, especially when reading blogs, that they may have an opinion that not always agrees with the author of the post. That is okay.
Blogging is not always suppose to be a feel good kind of gig. Some people may have some harsh views, and others may agree wholeheartedly. It is okay to “agree to disagree.”
Most readers will do a couple things after reading a post:
- Read maybe the first couple lines or the title and then leave the site
- Read the whole article and then leave the site
- Read and leave a comment in general
- Read and leave a comment in favor of the author
- Read and leave a comment not in the favor of the author
Some bloggers get really riled up when another person leaves a comment that seems negative. However, this is not to be taken bad unless it is truly meant to be so. It is an opportunity to open the floor to a civil discussion. Even if the outcome still is an “agree to disagree” situation, it is a worthwhile conversion, and likely to build a respectful relationship between the author of the post and the readers.
Bloggers who believe it best to remove any comments that do not agree are not helping their cause. It shows closed-mindedness, and it really is censorship- letting others know that the blog does not promote a healthy sense of conversation.
Social networks are often bad mouthed because they shut down controversial conversation streams. In blogs, well, it proves to shows how many people are passionate about the topic. The people controlling the moderation is the blog owner or designated moderators, so there is really less bureaucracy to deal with. Both the commenter and the moderator have to have some type of respect for each others’ opinion.
In fact, things that were missed in the article, can easily be covered in blog comments too!
So, it is okay to agree to disagree. Do not be afraid to share your opinion.
Have you commented on a post that was controversial and the conversation got out of hand? Or did you write a controversial post where it was really difficult to take in the responses?
Have you commented on a controversial blog
This is natural thing some body likes some things and some body dislikes the same things this is call human being.But this is not possible every one will like your post after the reading on other way from my point of view any writer don't want this his post hurt somebody .
You are right, not everyone will agree with every post. Unfortunately, because everyone has their own experiences, opinions, and feelings, sometimes there is a possibility of being hurt. However, I believe as long as the site owner conveys that the post is not to hurt any particular person, that is fine. It is the posts that point out individuals or types of individuals and harshly judges that really hurt. I try to avoid this type of writing as it adds no value to my site.
Hi, Nile.
I am with you about it being okay to disagree, as long as you do it in a nice way. Aggravating people just because you don't agree with your thoughts will not accomplish anything. It will just breed disagreement. So, when I disagree about something, I make it a point that I tell it in a constructive way.
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You are right, replying constructively is the way to go. However, it usually takes a few times for most conversations to reach that "agree to disagree" and at least be constructive about it. 🙂
I like constructive negative comments better than general positive. There are always room for improvements, and I am glad if someone give me a tip to make the post or blog better. The general positive comment are difficult to relate to because of all the comment spam techniques. I delete the typical "nice post" comments, but I suspect a lot of the general comments to be hit nd run link building. I like to give constructive comments myself, and have only had positive feedbacks from the comments.. I can also give you a constructive tip. I get a securety certificate warning when I enter the blog, I don't now why it shows up but it can maybe scare off some visitors..
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I delete comments that are spam. There are "nice comments" out there that also contain reference to the topic of the article, but like you, I am really picky and monitor all comments closely.
Hmm… not sure why there is a certificate error on the site. Does it say anything else on why? I do not have a SSL on the domain. Thanks for the heads up!
Sometimes, it's hard to detect spams, especially comments that use keywords as their names though have a really substantial comment (though may be doubtful, since many are copy pasting comments from other related blog posts). And Akismet is not that accurate anymore in detecting "real spam", as they are also tagging intelligent and genuine readers as spam.
Nile — Thanks for a good post on a topic that most people avoid discussing! Personally, as a reader of blogs, I much prefer to see a blog where there is healthy and civil discourse about different viewpoints on a topic. I write a political blog (for fun) and the only time I delete comments are when they contain inappropriate or foul language and personal threats (against either me or another reader or group). I also make clear what my policy is…thusfar it has kept the discourse on my blog at a civil level (and I've only had to delete a few posts and no one's been "banned" per se) and I find that it helps to look at things from multiple perspectives.
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Many comments are a plus. I like to have people disagree because it'll often give an idea for a next blog post!
You always see a ton of comment bashing on very public sites like Facebook, Youtube, etc. It can get very annoying to find the good content. Thank god for the edit buttons and posts like this to teach proper etiquette! 🙂
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It says: sertificate is from a not trusted authority…. You could so your webhost if they know something. I was stinking of the one sentence general comments. I think demanding some quality from comments gives the real comments more value. So its not just to be difficult I delete that kind of comments…
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The anonymity and immediacy of the internet has had a real coarsening effect on our dialogue in general. It's easy to rattle off harsh-sounding arguments that you'd never actually say to someone face-to-face.
However, this isn't always a bad thing (although sometimes it certainly can be), and the honesty it can bring out can be… entertaining, at LEAST.
I also have a pet peeve about blogs who just go ahead and delete ANY negative comments or any comments that disagree or really challenge their post. If that's their prerogative, why include a comment box at all?
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There's definitely a fine line when it comes to whether or not you should censor comments on your blog. Obviously if they are over-the-top spammy or promoting violence, then I think you definitely want to delete those comments. But if someone objects to what I have to say, then I would approve the comment because I want to stir things up and promote dialog. Nothing better than having people referred to my site for the sole purpose of writing a rebuttal.
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Add something of value…thats a tough one. Usually the posts I go through have so much wisdom to impart that I am lost for words…so I just say how much it taught me! But it is becoming kind of monotonous…have to come up with something more concrete!
As long as the post author doen't act like he's all-knowing and above everyone (and he can take a little criticism) it's ok, things won't degenerate.
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I prefer comments that agrees and adds something to my original idea.
Also, I can't hate those comments that disagrees with me because it basically opens up to other ideas in a different perspective.
To think of it both kinds of comments are beneficial to bloggers. We just need to be open minded and look at every situation as an opportunity to learn and discover.
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I try never to censor my comments. If I disagree or see a controversial comment come up, I just publish it and see where the dialogue leads. The only comments I don't publish are the obvious spam.
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Commenting is a freedom of speech but the sad thing there are taking advantage of this freedom
of speech… great post
In a blog post that discusses how a variance in opinions is good, I actually agree with just about everything you said. How ironic is that…?
I'm like most bloggers (or like most bloggers should be, anyway): I'd rather approve a dissenting comment than some empty platitude…
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I've actually had comments marked as 'spam' for disagreeing with the post!
That struck me as an extreme way to shut down a disagreement – a but like an evil dictator imprisoning any dissenting journalists.
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You forgot to list “tease the author a bit but leave a generally favorable comment that somebody will later take seriously and start a heated argument about for no reason whatsoever”. Just being specific…sort of…
That aside, I agree that you should watch what you censor. If someone attacks your posts or points, debate it reasonably. If they get hostile or insulting, censor. If they are insulting another poster, censor. But don’t censor just because they have a different opinion, that takes us back to the dark ages…and I’d rather not catch the plague.
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But some of the readers add something new, something that hasn't been mentioned in the post.
And speaking about agreement of disagreement, I consider it is all right when a person reads a post (that is not scientific, but personal) and disagree. Blogging is an opinion expression.
Steve from mobile application development company
well, this an awesome post.the site looks is fancy
Readers who make negative criticisms see that they dont like about your blog. don’t take it against you. just accept it and make a better one and take note with all the criticisms. I actually like negative feedbacks. they make me stronger.
I like constructive negative comments better than general positive, replying constructively is the way to go.Its good to get benefit from freedom of speech by commenting constructive notes.
Thanks & best regards,
I have never had that happen to me personally on my blog, but if it does, what can you do about it. Not everyone is going to agree with you. If you blog you open up the flood gates to receive comments whether they are in your favor or against you. Either way, isn't that why we blog in the first place? I don't want to write posts that just go in "sleep-mode" because no one sees them or responds to my posts.
When I first started out, I left my blog comments on moderation for a bit and now, I would rather just hear what people have to say good or bad. Some people just aren't thick skinned and don't like "confrontation", but they have no problem sitting behind their computer spewing out speculations too. When someone doesn't agree with what I write, I want to know why? I want to engage with them and keep the conversation going and build my community that way. Quite honestly, if you can't take it, don't dish it out. Good post~!
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As long as the post author doen't act like he's all-knowing and above everyone (and he can take a little criticism) it's ok, things won't degenerate.
My recent post Yacht Charter Lefkas Town – The Ionian Hot Spot
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I think it is completely reasonable to add negative comments to a blog. The whole point of a blog is to create conversation. If all you are writing is milktoasty, irrelevant nonsense, then why should anyone seek out the content?
Thanks for sharing this great content, I really enjoyed the insign you bring to the topic, awesome stuff!
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I have seen many who believe in “Read and leave a comment in favor of the author”. But this is not always good thing.
Thanks for sharing this great content, readers who make negative criticisms see that they dont like about your blog. But I actually agree with just about everything you said. Post more.
I was always under the impression that a blogger would most likely disapprove a negative comment in order to maintain some credibility. You know, take the easy way out.
I personally am the argueing type, i would approve a negative comment just to have a debate with the commentee.
A lot of bloggers do, but really, if there are no name calling and the conversation is civil, why delete something that everyone can learn from and even others who agree with the negative comments can add input.
Well I had someone criticise my choice to promote a product and say that I hadn’t really used it myself. Of course I published the comment and replied to say that I only endorse things I’ve actually used and are good!