I see a lot of people frustrated about getting more blog post social shares. It’s not specifically the share, but getting attention to their website.
I’ve put a nice list together on ways toward getting more blog post social shares, and ultimately more attention to your website. Hopefully this post will get you more social shares, and also more traffic. Also, some of the suggestions on this list can help with building trust and also create better relationships with other bloggers.
9 Ways Toward Getting More Blog Post Social Shares
1. Make it easy for your visitors to share your posts by adding social share buttons.
Having social share buttons makes it a lot easier and faster for people to share your posts. I see this issue a lot in newbie blogger websites.
Also, make sure those social share buttons actually work. Don’t always rely on the fact that the software exists. Rely on actually works. You never know, especially if you’re using a content management system like WordPress, when your social share plugins might conflict.
2. Tell people about your blog posts.
Don’t just rely on publishing a post. You need to share your own blog post. Whether you use a social media publisher plugin, or third party software to share posts to social networks, get those posts out there.
3. Creating engaging content. Don’t be afraid to add subtle or obvious hints to share your posts.
End your posts with a question. Get people to think and want to respond to your articles. This also includes when you share them to places like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+. Write a short summary that is engaging on those social networks. Don’t just rely on the link to the post to do the trick.
4. Infographics
Creating or sharing infographics can be quite effective and a fast way to get people to engage or share your blog posts. That being said, if your infographic is way too long, that’s way too much information. Make your infographic focused so you get that message across quickly and effectively, otherwise, you should be creating several infographics, or switch to using a different medium like text, audio, or video.
5. How-to articles
A lot of people like to do things alone. The DIY movement (Do it Yourself) is pretty popular, and How-to articles appeal to DIYers (DIY people.) You can capitalize on this type of article by providing both text and video versions.
6. Checklists
Some people need an exact list of things to do. Checklists ensure that you’re doing everything that is recommended. Things like SEO checklists, or a Checklist of WordPress Plugins for Bloggers, are just a couple of the infinite ideas that can be done. Make sure to create checklists that people will find a lot of value in.
7. Interviews
Interviews appeal to your readers, as well as peers. It puts someone that you believe is influential in front of your readers, and also builds a good relationship with those influencers. Not only will your readers and followers share the blog post, the readers and followers of the person you interviewed will share it too.
8. In-depth guides or free ebooks
Like How-to articles, guides or ebooks are a great way to attract people. Make sure to ask people to share your guides and ebooks so others can take advantage of free information.
9. Roundups of People
Roundups are lists. You can group specific people, things, or places. In the case of getting more blog post social shares, you should occasionally issue a roundup of people. This roundup could be influencers in your niche. For example, I wrote a post on 15 Women Who Blog That You Should Be Following in 2015.
Once you’ve done your roundup, let the person in your infographic know, whether it is through email or Twitter or another social network. In most cases, they’ll share it, and some of their followers will too.
As you can see, a lot of the methods in this article were ones that needed you to include other people. While this should be listed, I’ll give you a bonus one: linking to other articles. Sometimes you can attract other website owners by linking to their articles. If their website allows trackbacks, sometimes they can see what websites are talking about their posts. Aside from that, you can inform those bloggers that you’ve linked to them. Sometimes they’ll share your article.
What other ways are you using toward getting more blog post social shares?
I’m getting better about creating roundup posts. In fact, I recently stepped out of my comfort zone and emailed bloggers asking them if they wanted to be featured in my upcoming expert roundup. I’m really excited about that. I haven’t considered interviews before, but I think that would be a great idea for my blog!
Hi Tiffany!
Interviews can be fun. The only thing not so fun is waiting for the answers to come back. Some people even get an ego about it. If you run into that, just email the next person. In fact, make a list of who you want to interview, and use that.
Interviews can be good. Giving interviews can be helpful too if the person doing the interview is popular you can pick up new followers that will then share you content on social sites.
Hi Nile,
I have heard a lot about using infographics to increase blog readership, social shares and a whole lot of other things; I think it’s about time for to create an infographic and see how efficiently it works for me.
Also, the idea of writing a checklist post is a nice one, I have seen a lot of bloggers use it, and the response of their readers have been fantastic, its also something that I should give a try.
Another idea that I have been considering for quite some time but have not gotten the chance to do is creating a roundup list, I have discovered that such post attracts a lot of readers and a lot of social shares as well.
This is a fantastic write-up, thanks for sharing the info.
Hi Nile,
I came after a long time on your blog and found something good again. I enjoyed the reading the post and I think Roundup’s are the best way for socially sharing.
Thanks for sharing this useful and informative post!
Even if most of the bloggers give importance to search engine rankings, still there are some who believe that social media marketing can bring maximum success to them. Thanks for your this great article. Really good one indeed. I am agree with your all points.
Hey Nile,
Info-graphic is one sure way and I can say it has worked for me on one of my blogs.
Thanks for the big share.
Adding social sharing options is the first and most important thing. Infographics helps a lot in getting social media shares. Thanks for the other points, it will help me grow my social shares.
This is a very good article. you describe the words in a unique way. Now a days social media is playing a important role to convey our message to a lot of people .
Can you please tell me how to increase your twitter and google followers so that my post will have better chances of being noticed.
Hi Nile,
You have shared a wonderful post about social sharing and amazing idea what i had seen here and every time you deserve your from previous post. thanks for sharing with us.
Rama Krishna
I can’t agree more about Infographics! These are huge when it comes to generating traffic for your website. Also, when you harness the power of social media to promote them, you can truly become an unstoppable force. Thanks again for another awesome post! 🙂
Hi Nile,
Some very handy tips for getting more shares in the social platforms. Roundups are really creating a buzz and many of my peers have done a series of that. That’s actually a great way to include many influencers in a single blog post and get viral socially.
I also got to know about Viral Content Buzz (VCB) recently which helps to get more social shares. This seems to be a good platform, yet to explore though. Thanks for sharing. Take care.
Hi, Nile
I appreciate your great effort on letting me know great ideas about social media networking site. Thanks for the wonderful post, as I am a new blogger, learning to achieve a bigger goal with some of your tips.
Getting social shares is a difficult task but if we follow these tips so we can good great social shares on our blog posts. I hope these tips will work for me!
Hi Nile,
I came after a long time on your blog and found something good again. I enjoyed the reading the post and I think Roundup’s are the best way for socially sharing.