If you’ve been blogging for a while, you’ve encountered self-doubt. It could be because you’re not getting the traffic, or meeting your goals. It could be that you’re having problems coming up with great topics, or you’ve come to the point that blogging is a chore. There’s a lot of reason that you could run into self-doubt as a blogger. I’m going to sharing some tips on overcoming self-doubt as a blogger.
7 Tips for Overcoming Self-Doubt as a Blogger
1. Don’t write for the goal of solely reaching the masses. You won’t win that race right out of the starting gate, and you probably might give yourself some unnecessary stress. Start with writing what you know, and be grateful for even just 1 reader. Each blogger, when they started writing, they waited for their first reader to interact. You also did the same. Start with thinking like you’re reaching that 1 person every time, and just be you. Your blog voice will always ring true, and you stay humble.
I remember reaching out to a well-known WordPress developer, Konstantin Obenland, and asked him if I could interview him. I’ve reached out to a lot of people, including big time Youtube celebrities, and some of them wanted my statistics. Konstantin reminded me that those shouldn’t matter. He said, “I don’t care how many people visit your website. If I reached 1 person, I’ve done my job.”
I think bloggers could use that advice, because he’s right. It’s humbling and keeps you more focused on creating your content, rather than worrying about who, or how many people are visiting.
2. Don’t force yourself to blog, while thinking about word count all time time. Sure, you may have big ambitions, and have chosen to be a part of a competitive niche. The problem is when you think in terms of nailing so many words, or so much percentage of a keyword, you lose your blog voice.
If you can’t make the minimum 300 words, don’t fret. 300 words is a just a suggestion. Your article shouldn’t be penalized by Google if you’ve still written naturally, uniquely, and have delivered quality content.
3. If you’re running out of ideas to blog about, you can always do some research. You should never run out of topics in your niche. You can always go out and read what other blogs in your niche are talking about. You can do some keyword research. You can ask your readers what they’d like to read.
If you’ve decided that you’ve run into bloggers block, you’ve given up being passionate about what you like to write about.
4. Tackle your self-doubt head on. Is it because you’re not confident in yourself? Are you always worrying about what other people think? Sure, it’s a gamble when writing blog posts, that sometimes you won’t mesh with some people. The great thing to remember is that you blog, well, is your blog. You make the rules, and you blog how you like.
You just have to accept that some people may not agree with you, and a portion of those people might be nasty about it. You’ll have to grow a thick skin, and not let people get to you. Be confident in each blog post that you publish.
5. Reach out to other bloggers about your self-doubts. There are a lot of blogger groups with plenty of other bloggers who are happy to answer any questions, or give any advice on any problems you’re having.
You can also interview other bloggers about some of the content you’ve written to allow your reader to see a fresh angle of what you’ve been saying.
6. Push through the self-doubt, and create content in other mediums like audio, video, and images. You can go back through older content and re-purpose some of it. This will liven up old content, and you’ll reach even more people who relate better, or learn better from other mediums than just text format.
7. Sometime you need to just take a break from blogging. There’s no need to be a machine. If you’re dreading on pumping out the next post, then you probably need to take a breather. Use it to enjoy a movie, spend time with family, or even read an interesting book.
8. Don’t compare your progress to another blogger’s success. This will just create a lot of stress that you don’t need. Go at your own pace. If some of your closest blogging friends seem farther along, it’s probably because they’ve set higher goals, and may have more time and money invested. That’s quite alright.
If you rush to try to always catch up to them, you WILL fall farther behind. Make goals and plans that are easy for you to achieve, and be happy for your friends. You’ll get through your goals one-by-one, and they’ll celebrate with you too.
Have you ever had any self-doubt as a blogger? Tell us about it in the comments below, and how you overcome self-doubt as a blogger.
I am a new blogger after reading your article I feel much good now. I often compare my blog with others which create a lot of stress.
Thank you so much
Thank you Nile, i was a good post, i was worried as to carry on or to change my career in blogging, then i saw this post, this made me realize the mistakes i was making all these days, now i wish to continue as a true blogger.
great tips nile, as for the word count have you noticed that your longer posts do better? for me personally i try to write as much and in depth i can on a subject without going too far and boring people and i find that i usually write 500-3000 words per blog.
Awesome post, you made it really easy to understand this pretty hard topic for beginners. You helped me alot so I just wanna say thank to you.
Thank you ?
Hi Nile ,
Its nice blog which you share with us and I am new in blogger and this blog is really helpful for me.Getting confidence after reading this blog. Thanks again.
This post made my day and its increasing my inner confidence for my next step, A very impressive and inspirational words..
A big motivation for me, Thank you for this amazing post and for this amazing blog.
I will keep visiting this blog whenever I get time.
Thanks for sharing wonderful tips, its motivational .
Your last point resonates with me quite a bit. It feels so daunting looking at other blogs in a certain niche, and realizing how far you have to go. But everyone starts somewhere, so you just have to put your head down and put the work in.
Really this is article which I really need specially person like me who doubt on everything.
Thank you for your article and keep sharing !!