You might feel small on the totem pole of influencers, but if you know your stuff, and can produce some awesome content, even some of the top influencers in your niche will be happy to share your stuff, or mention you. I’m going to tell you how, and believe me, it is really simple.
6 Tips on How to Get Influencers to Share Your Content
1. Reach out to them.
The worst thing that can happen is that they respond and say no, or you never receive a response. Most influencers receive a of email every day, but that doesn’t mean you can’t email them too.
You only need to reach out to them once per action. Don’t continually bombard them with emails. They aren’t obligated to respond, so assume if they do nothing, then file that as no response, and go on to contact other influencers.
2. Get to the point quickly.
You might be awestruck or want to brown nose in your letter, but it’s important to get to the point quickly when you email an influencer. State what you have, and what you need them to do.
3. Keep your message short and make sure you treat the influencer as an individual.
Once you’ve gotten to the point, you really don’t need to carry on and on. That influencer doesn’t have a lot of time to hear your life story. It would be nice, but it’s just not possible to read everything in a day.
Additionally, making sure that you send them a unique response, and not some email that has been copied and pasted umpteen times is important. For example, I’ve received emails that I also noticed the same thing sent to my former boss at Yoast when I did support for the company. While it was nice to be considered on the same list as my former boss, it felt rude to not be addressed uniquely and as an individual.
4. Provide quality content that has a wow-factor.
Don’t send crappy articles to influencers. You’re most likely never to hear back from an influencer if you sent them crap. Influencers want to share content that their readers, followers, and fans will find valuable.
5. Tag influencers in social networks if your post includes links to any of their content, services, or products.
Even if you’re not reaching out to influencers via email, you need to make sure to tag them in your social network handles, especially if you are linking to them. This will make them and others aware that you’ve linked to them, and perhaps even spike an interest in both reading and sharing your blog post.
6. Be thankful.
It’s important to thank influencers for their time. Technology allows people to do a lot of things all at once, and often, gratitude is forgotten. Try to make a conscious effort to thank influencers when they share your articles.
Sounds simple, huh? Well, getting over the first step mentioned is the biggest hurdle you will cross. Don’t doubt yourself if you know your content is valuable. When you fully stand behind your word and work, influencers will at least give you a moment of their time to check it out and also decide.
Are you an influencer in your niche? What would you suggest to awesome content creators needing your help getting more exposure?
All the tips are really amazing, I used to blog back in 2012-2013 but due to some personal crisis let it high and dry. Now I am thinking of getting back at it. After reading your post I realized that , we must have dedication and must have our priorities straight if we want to achieve something.
Hey Nile, Nice post really informative and yes you are right that we always write short message which contain lots of information and yes there is always a wow factor in the content . 🙂
Hey Nile,
Influencer marketing is one of the hottest strategies today, which means there are plenty of marketers out there wanting to build mutually beneficial relationships. Engaging with our influencer and landing a guest post are helpful steps to building a relationship with influencer. The blogosphere and social media are crowded arenas. Even if an influencer is interested in our content, there’s no guarantee they’ll manage to find and read it on their own.
Top influencers get hit up all the time by people wanting things from them. Rather than being one of the folks they ignore, build an authentic relationship by commenting on their content, engaging them on Twitter, and following and liking their content on Facebook or other social media profiles.
If we’ve got content, think would be helpful to someone’s followers, a great way to get their attention is to use tags on Facebook or mentions on Twitter. Provide a link to the content, mention them in your message, and offer a quick word about what the content is and why it’ll be helpful to our followers. Thanks for your continuous support.
With best regards,
Amar kumar
Really great information. I couldn’t get the influencers to reply back to my emails. Maybe the problem was with long emails. I read here and sent 3 short mails. And saw inbox(1) in next under next 24 hours. Thank you Nile. 😀
Hello Nile thanks for your sharing this information! 🙂 I honestly enjoy reading it and getting more ideas for me to have a response from influencers because sometimes I wasn’t able to received response. I learned that I should always be direct to the point and write a precise and quality content 🙂 as well as always remember to be thankful.
Your tips really provides a wow factor content.
Jhem DV