It seems I am always falling behind on some updates, but I did not forget the requests to try to make more avatar icons. Previous to March 2008, I had over 100, but due to the fact that some of them used celebrity images, I had to take them down. That left me with 35 that I could use.
I took the time to make 30 new icons for use. They can be used as avatars in forums or any other place. No real credit it needed, but if someone asks, be sure to link them here. All of the avatars are in GIF format. If you need it in PNG to retain the richness of the image, drop an email and I will send a copy in that format. I will probably put each in a zip file that will include a GIF, JPEG, and PNG formats. Of course, if you use them, save it to your computer. Do not direct link.
The new total is now 65 icons! I do take requests too, so feel free to email me if you have an idea for one.
Here are just some examples:
Nicolah says
I like the icons! I wish I had the patience to sit here and make some.
kiran says
I like it very much…Thank u.
Axxo says
thanks a lot for this!
celebrity photo says
Wow! Thanks for the great post?ffff85.%d%a%d%aPeople should read this.%d%a