So, I am half way through my 30 day challenge with Sponsored Tweets PRO, and you know… no opportunities. As promised, I went through some of the messages being said in the Sponsored Tweets forum about this and no surprise- even users with over 80,000 followers on the PRO membership are not getting opportunities.
Here are some of the responses found:
And when they ask why is this happening, especially when being a PRO member means the user is to get better exposure with the advertisers, the staff responds:
Another response around that time, by the same staff member was that basically that the paid tweet opportunities had been given to non-PRO members.
WHOA! Wait a minute here! Does this basically mean that people are paying for a service that basically is useless. If you are giving opportunities, they should be to the PRO members first, right? Hmmm… sounds funny to me. And then on top of that… in waves. I am not certain, but after Izea’s annual parties, becoming a public company with stock options, currently hiring, and even offering to sponsor Tweetups, Sponsored Tweets is doing pretty good getting advertisers.
By the way, someone commented on the post for the start of my challenge about finding more followers. I have a decent amount already, so that is not the issue. I had opportunities in the past (though they were few and far between) with Sponsored Tweets.
So far, I am leaning to Sponsored Tweets PRO = #Fail.
Wow… Thanks.. I'm at the first time on your blog! And I like it! Thanks for sharing info. Keep up the good work…
term paper
That sucks. Pro should always mean better!
It should mean that, but so far… a big #FAIL. I am really disappointed and I do not see it getting any better after their recent acquisition of Magpie.
Uh oh! Doesn't sound like this is something I'll be using any time soon. But maybe it will turn around! The month's not over yet, right? 🙂
About a week left and I am done with this experiment and on with a different service to try out. In the case that Sponsored Tweets as even a basic member will start doing better, I may update in the future, but I am just no happy with how this service has gone for both basic and PRO members.
Interesting. I don't think I'm going to use this for my math blog.
I don't know what campaigns were "in the works" (according to Carri), but it seems that you would be better off as a basic member. See if they could downgrade your status (as counterproductive as that sounds)…
My recent post A Backpack to School Craft
I went into this experiment to see how it would go for a month. I am definitely downgrading in the next week.
wow that's really strange.. why the heck were their offers going DOWN after going pro?? that makes no sense
My recent post How to Engage your Audience through Social Media
Exactly… it does not. In fact, it just makes me think something fishy is going on or no one on staff at Sponsored Tweets knows the real answers.
i absolutely agree with you, it's insane to pay for a service wich is totally useless. i'm sure im not gonna use it for my blog. thanks for sharing the info
My recent post Heute geht’s schon um Aktivität
Thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge,really a amzaing post.
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