Been busy at making graphics once again. In fact, 11 new emoticon smilies! After making the rounded smilies, I needed to make extras that matched all of the colors. Also, I added more colors to the bubble saying emoticon (ex: smilies that said ‘whoa!’ or ‘lol’.)
Here are examples of these:
This makes the total of different emoticons offered at 37! That is quite a bit, especially a variety of new characters that will be introduced soon too!
Aww, your smilies are cute!! ^^
Very cute! I look forward to seeing more. When are ya gonna change the smilies on your site to the ones you use? I noticed they’re the default.
Super cute, I love all your little creations
Wow, that’s a lot of emoticons! I’ve never even done one set of them.
Angelica’s last blog post..Urban Dictionary Meme